Daily Microblog
Visualizing the World in 1603
On a chilly walk, warmed up at an exhibit in a university library: The Art of the Travel Narrative. A standout was A Complete Map of the Ten Thousand Countries of the World drawn by Chinese cartographers in 1603. Google Translate and an interactive digitized version revealed fact and fantasy.
Not Just Another Coffee Shop
On my walk through the Minneapolis North Loop (Warehouse District) popped into recently opened Backstory Coffee Roasters. The former warehouse is stunning, complete with a green wall and historic artifacts from the former occupant, the Duffey Paper Company.
Lines in Snow
Today we’re getting a decent snowfall: a good reason to go outside and walk.
Tomorrow it Snows
Wrapped up well for a bicycle ride and coffee with a friend.
Apartment Garden at Sunset
On Sundays, Dwight makes sure all the plants are properly watered. Most of these plants have automated watering and misting. Plants in other areas are watered manually and get rotated through this area.
Travel Planning
Spent the afternoon researching 2023 travel and booking fragments of trips: two hotels, a one-way flight, and a round-trip ferry.
Today’s Workout
Let the festivities begin. Thanksgiving 2022.
Beneath the Surface
Walked past a construction site, which got me thinking about Azuma House in a working class suburb of Osaka. I’d made a point of standing in front of that home last week: it raises questions; with answers I warm to it. “Like” or “Dislike” are not enough.
An Early Night
It’s almost inevitable: after an overseas trip, a cold has set in. An early night sounds so good.
Improving with Age
Reheated tonight’s dinner in the microwave: lamb and root vegetable stew. I’d made it this morning because stews improve by sitting (in the fridge). I made a double batch so there’ll be an encore appearance mid-week.
Getting my Coffee Fix
Made a pourover using a product I’ve not seen here. Every morning, in my hotel room in Japan, I made pourover coffees. Unlike pods, it’s biodegradable and it tastes pretty good. At home I prefer to grind my own, but when traveling it’s a convenient option.
Japan 2022 Itinerary
Posted Japan 2022 Itinerary.
Quick Scene Change
Walked on fresh snow in our neighborhood: a quick scene change from the streets of Tokyo yesterday.
Father and Daughter
On board United 882, Tokyo HND to Chicago ORD, in the good hands of father and daughter.