Daily Microblog
Rolling Green, Smart Scenes
Built a project box for wirelessly controlling lights on our mobile green wall via our Zigbee mesh network and Hubitat hub. Now, these lights seamlessly join lighting scenes controlled by voice, app, or household events.
Deciphering Metaphors
Thursdays are my ELL (English Language Learning) days. I support three classes: Intermediate, Advanced, and Writing For Advanced Learners. This week, metaphors were the main attraction. The Intermediate class delved into powerful lines from MLK’s speeches, like the “same boat” analogy. Later, in the Writing class we explored Frost’s “Road Less Traveled.”
A Tale of Two Lunches
Dwight drove to a suburban Red Lobster for lunch with a friend. Meanwhile, I took the opportunity to walk over to Dong Hae, a neighborhood Korean restaurant, for bibimbap, perfect comfort food on a wintry day.
Beyond the Storefront
It may look like a fast food restaurant and it’s not in the prettiest part of St. Paul but Trung Nam French Bakery, operated by immigrants from Vietnam, bakes the best almond croissants. So that’s where I got with a friend for coffee and flakey perfection this morning.
The House That Paint Built
Three blocks from our home, on a snowy walk, paused at Sherwin Williams’ Applied Science and Technology building. Built in 1905 as the headquarters of the Minnesota Linseed Oil Paint Company, the company later merged with Valspar. The combined company remained headquartered in Minneapolis. Finally, it was acquired by Sherwin Williams.
Empty Boxes
Realized storing empty electronics boxes was no longer serving us. We’ve been storing the elaborate boxes in our “basement”—a storage cage two floors down. Since we hold onto electronics long past their prime resale value, keeping the boxes serves little practical purpose.
I’m Married to a Cactus Whisperer
Over the years, our stash of dental freebies from hygienist appointments has grown. Today, Dwight announced he’s found a new use for them: cleaning between the spines of cacti at the greenhouse where he volunteers. I couldn’t resist speculating if he’d be talking to the cacti during his prickly procedures.
12th Night 2024
Packed our Christmas decorations into a storage tote. We’ll move the tree (in its mailing tube) and the tote to our storage cage two floors down in a couple days, once we’ve rounded up any stray decorations.
Fueling Up After a Busy Day
Exhausted from our busy day, and uninspired by the fridge, we walked out for a revitalizing dinner at Maxwell’s.
Framing Friendships
Walked over to the Guthrie for a performance of ‘Art’ where friendships are inflamed by a piece of minimalist art. “If you’re not who I think you are, then who am I?”
Our Pharmacy Museum
We’ve only just learned that health insurance covers $50 each per quarter for over-the-counter medications, toothpaste, floss, etc. I thought we couldn’t possibly spend that much, then I checked our medicine drawer. Everything in this photo has expired with dates going back to 2013. Some things get better with age, not medicine drawers.
Another Year
Our January 1st ritual: a walk followed by a pub lunch. (The empty bottle is from last night, a particularly fine Champagne, gifted by friends some time ago for my 70th birthday.)
Countdown to Midnight in Madrid
Walked on fresh snow to Coastal Seafoods to pick up shrimp for paella for dinner, but when I saw this line, frozen shrimp from Trader’s suddenly became acceptable. As is our custom, I’ve cued up RTVE Madrid to stream to our TV to celebrate 2024 at midnight Madrid time, 5:00 pm Central.
Getting a Head Start on 2024
Took two online classes as part of a continuing education requirement. Previously I’d completed some English Language teaching classes, but today I took required general classes on teaching adults.
The Annual Replacement of the Spices
Replaced spices older than (arbitrarily) 15 months for a total of about $8. Freshness is optimized by buying whole spices in small quantities.
From Factory to Chic Hotel
Included the Canopy by Hilton Hotel on a downtown walk with a friend. This lovely building was originally a factory for steam-powered wheat threshers and farming implements. An art-filled atrium has been carved out to bring light and drama to interior spaces.