
Daily Microblog

Annual Mounting of the Bike Rack

May 4, 2014

Mounted bike rack for the season: I’ll be using it this coming week to go cycling with a nephew.

Ramps and Morels

May 3, 2014

Cycled to Wedge Co-op and picked up ramps from Wisconsin and some of these morels (from Oregon). It’s a short season.

Getting Ready for Planting

May 2, 2014

Rain stopped, sun shone, I shot out into yard to replace soil in a wall planter for tomatoes. It’s too soon to plant.

Good-Time Ducks

May 1, 2014

On my Lake of the Isles walk today, the ducks were also having a good time.

Collecting Annuals

Apr 30, 2014

Today we loaded up with annuals. It’s too soon/cold to plant outside, but we can prepare pots and baskets inside.

Seven Street Murals

Apr 29, 2014

Urban hike in south Minneapolis in rain and snow via seven street murals. Resources, audio.

Mandatory Ice Cream

Apr 28, 2014

Another soggy day. Waited at Sebastian Joe’s for a bus to take me to the library. Had to have ice cream, of course.

Rain Bouncing off Ground

Apr 27, 2014

All day today the rain is bouncing off the ground. A good day to be inside, planning and reading.

Repairing Irrigation

Apr 26, 2014

Lazy day, minor achievements. Repaired irrigation damaged by snow plow.

Filling a Whiteboard

Apr 25, 2014

Worked today: helped to fill this whiteboard.

One-Time Password Generators

Apr 24, 2014

Drippy day. A good day to write about one-time password generators.

New Minneapolis

Apr 23, 2014

On my cycle ride today: new Minneapolis. Training for new light rail line, construction cranes for new stadium.

Geocaching with a Nephew

Apr 22, 2014

Took my my 5-year-old nephew geocaching. He’s one little pro with a GPS. We found 5 out of 7 geocaches.

Cars can be Useful

Apr 21, 2014

Had to find another perch for my bicycle: needed the car to pick up garden stuff. First time in the car in over 2 months.

The Sun Was Warm

Apr 20, 2014

Lake Calhoun today. Walked lakes Harriet, Calhoun, and Isles. Everyone was so happy to be out in the warm sun.

Researching Trips

Apr 19, 2014

Today, researched trips.