How to Build a Houseplant Irrigation Manifold

Different plants have different watering needs, including the volume and frequency of water that is delivered. It’s therefore convenient to divide an irrigation system into watering zones. Each zone delivers water to plants with similar water needs. An irrigation manifold distributes water to multiple irrigation zones. After experimenting with various designs for irrigation manifolds, I’ve… Continue reading How to Build a Houseplant Irrigation Manifold

My First Great Ball Contraption

A great ball contraption (GBC) is a [LEGO] machine which receives soccer balls or basketballs from one module and passes them to another module, rather like a bucket brigade. Modules built according to the GBC standard can be assembled into a collaborative display without pre-planning or modification. GBC’s are a whole LEGO subculture, complete… Continue reading My First Great Ball Contraption

Categorized as LEGO

The Ministry

The campus in this photograph became the main offices for a British government ministry in 1948. You could be forgiven for wondering if it was a prisoner-of-war camp, repurposed as The Ministry of Truth, The Ministry of Plenty, or The Ministry of Peace. The campus was originally built as a wartime hospital for wounded servicemen… Continue reading The Ministry

Theater of the Absurd

For some unknown reason, which I will speculate about later in this post, fragments of an absurd dialog from a play have been floating around in my head. I plugged those fragments into Google and was delighted to find the script of a play I saw in the late 1960’s. Mrs. Martin: In the street,… Continue reading Theater of the Absurd

Keeping the Faith Through the Arts

During the last four years, while some in power denied basic, decent human values, the Arts have helped me keep the faith. Here’s some examples from my microblog.

12 Months of Microposts: 2020

Most days I post something about my day in a microblog. Without over-thinking, I’ve selected one post from each month of 2020. January Looking back from today, January 2020 seems like an alternate reality where we could sit in theater audiences, eat in restaurants, and ride public transport. The Minneapolis Guthrie Theater’s artistic director, Joseph… Continue reading 12 Months of Microposts: 2020

Learning in a Time of Covid

In these days of Covid, travel is not an option. Instead, learning new stuff has been fueling our ikigai (getting us out of bed in the morning), and giving us plenty to talk about over dinner. Until one of our dinnertime conversations, I thought grow lights were pretty straightforward. Apparently the cognoscente measure “photosynthetically active… Continue reading Learning in a Time of Covid