How to Dispose of Unwanted Money

Tomorrow I’ll be stopping at the post office to drop off a box filled with foreign coins and banknotes. Last year, at Newcastle International Airport, I showed my nephews an easier way to dispose of foreign currency. I led them to a big, bubble-shaped currency donation bin, then handed them some UK coins. As you…… Continue reading How to Dispose of Unwanted Money

A Red Solo Cup

This morning I read that the developer of the red Solo cup, Robert Hulseman, had died. The cup was first produced in the 1970’s and is known to generations of students as the cup of choice for keggers. It’s also the preferred growing container for cannabis. I took the photograph at the top of this post…… Continue reading A Red Solo Cup

Imperfect Gifts for Long-Haul Travelers

The other day I came across an article at with the click-bait title: 10 Perfect Gifts for your Favorite Long-Haul Traveler. I was skeptical right out of the starting gate: I travel light, a declaration I repeat ad nauseam. Recently I renewed my passport, and opted for the version with more pages as I was running…… Continue reading Imperfect Gifts for Long-Haul Travelers

Hidden Cities

The term “hidden city” conjures up all sorts of romantic notions: a Mayan city lost in a jungle; a Soviet-era science city excluded from maps; abandoned tunnels under a city, beyond the rule of law. It’s also part of a strategy some people use to save a lot of money when traveling. I’ve posted about my plan…… Continue reading Hidden Cities

My Post-Election Microblog In 1960, in a school playground in Northern England, boys were grabbing younger boys and demanding: “Nixon or Kennedy?” If you answered “Nixon” you got roughed up. All the boys were answering “Kennedy” so I answered “Nixon.” I was nine. My nephews are eight and nine. I wonder if last week’s election has inspired…… Continue reading My Post-Election Microblog