
Daily Microblog

A Trip to Asia

Aug 14, 2022

Craved Japan, cycled to masu for comfort food. Japan is still closed to independent travelers: I’ve cancelled 3 trips to Japan in the past year and may have to cancel a 4th in October. Just in case, I’ve also booked a nonstop to Seoul in October.

Nordeast Safari

Aug 13, 2022

Giraffe House, spotted on my cycle ride through Nordeast Minneapolis. A baby giraffe is hiding behind a tree.

Loo or Louvre?

Aug 12, 2022

Stopped for coffee, resisted a waffle, at Black Coffee and Waffle Bar near the University of Minnesota East Bank Campus. Couldn’t decide if the back of the bathroom door was graffiti or art. Decided I was overthinking.

Theater Night

Aug 11, 2022

Walked over to the Guthrie for “Sweat.” Angry workers in a bar as their factory succumbed to the inevitable pressures of NAFTA in the early days of the 21st century.

Filling a Market Niche

Aug 10, 2022

Cycled past giant LEGO bricks in captivity. Inside the building, Brickmania produces military LEGO kits. The LEGO Company doesn’t produce real-world military kits as a matter of policy.

Cemetery Stop

Aug 9, 2022

My friend, Dave, sometimes likes to include a cemetery on our Tuesday cycle rides. Today, at Hillside cemetery, we visited his Aunt Ruth, a beloved kindergarten teacher for 50 years. Her ashes were interred here in 2008.

Hive Jive

Aug 8, 2022

Returned home after walking with friends. Performed my usual twerk dance to get the electronic lock to notice my presence and unlock the door. Dwight calls this my waggle dance, like a bee returning to the hive. He reminded me he’s happy with his old-fashioned key.

Semifreddo 2.0

Aug 7, 2022

Tonight for dessert: salty caramel/Oreo Semifreddo. Heavy cream, crème fraîche, dulce de leche, salt, thin Oreos. The texture was quite decent without the egg custard and whipped egg whites I incorporated in last week’s Semifreddo. It’s dangerously too easy to make.

Ambivalent about Rain

Aug 6, 2022

Walked in heavy rain to the farmers market at Mill City Museum. Filled a pack with local produce: bacon brats for Sausage Saturday, tomatoes, green beans, and Indian eggplant. Today’s rain deterred shoppers while making a dent in the drought: farmers are always at the mercy of the weather.

Communication Styles

Aug 5, 2022

Tutored, without fear of passing on my lingering cold. Today we discussed Rosa Parks, and different styles of speech and writing when honoring her legacy.

Common Themes

Aug 4, 2022

On Tuesday I posted about “Men Without Women” prompting a friend to ask which author—Murakami (2014) or Hemingway (1927)? She correctly surmised Murakami. Today, continued my temporary couch potato life by reading Hemingway’s. It’s no accident Murakami used the title.

Low-Energy Excursion

Aug 3, 2022

Ventured out to Five Watt Coffee for a socially distanced cuppa.

Tuning Out

Aug 2, 2022

A nasty cold has an upside: reading. Yesterday, I finally finished a book of short stories, “Men Without Women.” Today, cover to cover, a page-turner novel, “Sweet Bean Paste.”


Aug 1, 2022

Today I sound like a glum Harvey Fierstein, low energy, raspy throat. Grateful it’s only a cold, my first in over 2½ years: Covid tests were negative. It hurts to postpone getting with friends and fulfilling commitments, but it’s a day for lolling on the couch.

Deconstructed, Reconstructed Eggplant Parmesan

Jul 31, 2022

Deconstructed eggplant Parmesan while retaining most of the ingredients. I enjoy this dish, but would prefer the breading not to be soggy. Breading: Mixture of panko and grated Parmesan Reggiano. Red sauce addition: Crumbles of Montamore Cheddar from Wisconsin, providing more of a taste punch than mozzarella. At the table, knives and forks assembled eggplant… Continue reading Deconstructed, Reconstructed Eggplant Parmesan

The Smear

Jul 30, 2022

Sometimes I feel we live in an alternate reality where “plate” is a culinary verb. Yesterday I made peanut-butter-flavored semifreddo. Tonight it was time to remove it from the freezer, plate it, then let it warm up a bit in the fridge. I had fun with The Smear, one method for plating a sauce. The… Continue reading The Smear