
Daily Microblog

Overthinking Eggs

Sep 14, 2022

Sometimes I overthink: today it was “how to boil eggs” (for potato salad). A Google search revealed passions for every possible variation. Ultimately, decided if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. However I did learn a great way to peel the eggs: under cold water.

Chicago Day Trip

Sep 13, 2022

Flew to Chicago for the day with a friend. Rode the L out of Chicago for a few miles, cycled back towards Downtown along the lakeside. Waves from Lake Michigan sometimes washed our path.

Ready for Pre-Dawn Getaway

Sep 12, 2022

My new daypack, pregnant with bicycle helmet, ready for a pre-dawn getaway tomorrow. A friend and I are off to Chicago for the day, taking advantage of a cheap fare. The old pack was beyond worn out; when we arrive back at MSP at 10:00 pm, we’ll be likewise.

Isabella’s Korean Journey

Sep 11, 2022

Plotted a route by British explorer Isabella Bird who visited Korea four times in the 1890’s, soon after Korea opened up to the world. I’m trying to reconcile geographical names in her 1897 book, “Korea and Her Neighbours,” with today’s names. In 2016 I traveled part of her journey in Hokkaido. In October I may… Continue reading Isabella’s Korean Journey

On Being Agreeable

Sep 10, 2022

For two days, with my accent, I’ve avoided the inevitable conversation. At the supermarket I used self-checkout, but a kind employee appeared with an extra bag for chicken thighs; the conversation was inevitable. Kant concluded lying is never OK. Today, I concluded differently. (The UK’s Queen had died two days previously.)

Semifreddo 3.0

Sep 9, 2022

This summer’s go-to dessert is semifreddo. It’s easy to make, but it does use a lot of bowls. But then, it’s all the more bowls to scrape and taste with the spatula. I sterilized egg whites and yolks, mixed with sugar, continuously beaten, in bowls over boiling water.

View from an Abandoned Truck Scale

Sep 8, 2022

On my somewhat random ride, stopped to nose around the exterior of the long-abandoned Fruen Mill. Here, I’m looking up, standing on a truck scale where cereals were loaded.

Five Watt Mouse Door

Sep 7, 2022

Finally noticed this mouse door near the entrance to Five Watt Coffee. It’s probably been there for years, so much for mindfulness. The local artist, Mows, has hundreds of these doors with different designs, placed around the world through collaboration and travel.

Old Muskego Church 

Sep 6, 2022

On our cycle ride, the 1845 Old Muskego Church, the first Norwegian Lutheran church built in the United States. Chatted with a worker restoring the exterior using logs rescued from a barn from the same period. He unlocked the door so we could see inside. Click through for photos of the wonderful interior.

Labor Day, 2022 

Sep 5, 2022

Bedtime view of Downtown, the end of a day we got to do things we love.

Quality Control

Sep 4, 2022

Walked around roof decks with Dwight giving planters the finger test to verify they’re getting enough water. Plants are thriving, thanks to our building’s gardening club.

Once-a-Year Cake

Sep 3, 2022

Marzipan, cream, sponge, raspberry jam, the magical appearance of my once-a-year cake (thanks Dwight), another year to own my age.

Back to School

Sep 2, 2022

Digs for my new Friday noon gig where I’ll be working with six adult non-native English speakers on GED Reasoning Through Language Arts. It’s energizing being with learners who want to learn.

Interpreting American Music

Sep 1, 2022

Tonight: dinner and a show at the Dakota Jazz Club, downtown Minneapolis. Lizz Wright interpreted Jazz, Blues, Gospel, the American Songbook.

Tree Tunnel

Aug 31, 2022

Cycled along a lovely rail trail from Hopkins to Wayzata on Lake Minnetonka. Fresh cinnamon rolls powered the ride back.

A New Neighborhood

Aug 30, 2022

Cycled past this building. It was falling down until developers rescued the surviving structure. Nearby, apartments are going up on brownfield land. We’d planned to have dinner here with friends, but postponed: both friends have had COVID, one still tests positive.