Daily Microblog
Otaru, Hokkaido
Now in Otaru, Hokkaido. As far north as I’m going. Pretty town center, historic harbor area, good rail connections.
View from Mt. Hakodate
Hakodate 8:00 p.m. this evening (Monday), from Mt Hakodate.
Onuma National Park
Hiking Onuma National Park today (Monday). 40-minute train ride from Hakodate. Still winter in Hokkaido.
Post Cards From Hokkaido
C, D. Post cards from Hakodate (Hokkaido). When you get these, you will have cards from all Japan’s main islands.
Hakodate Refreshment
Honey, I’m home.
Buying Hashi
Boni-moriya department store, Hakodate, selecting everyday, made-in-Japan hashi for our kitchen.
“Bad” Words?
I wonder which of C and D’s 5 bad words are represented here. Maybe all there?! (Sign in Hakodate market/restaurant.)
Close to Russia
Now in Hakodate on island of Hokkaido. Closer to Russia (note the Cyrillic script) than S Korea.
Tokyo Hiking Trails
Posted Tokyo Hiking Trails (pix).
Japanese Breakfasts
Will miss Japanese breakfasts. Today included: miso, smoked fish, fried squid (local), scrambled eggs, veggies, French fries, salad, rice.
Imagining A Long Tunnel
Hey D and C. Imagine a tunnel from your home to my home. Tomorrow I travel in an even longer one (33 miles) from islands Honshu to Hokkaido.
Mt. Mitake
Friday: “Mountains. Near Tokyo. Day 2.” C, D: this train climbed a mountain (Mt Mitake). Wish you rode it with me.
Escape from Tokyo
Gorgeous mountain hiking 70 miles/100 minutes from downtown Tokyo. You *can* escape the huge city for the weekend.
Post Cards From Honshu
Hi D, Hi C. Post cards for you from Seibu-Chichibu, just west of Tokyo on the island of Honshu, Japan.
How I Spent My Last Day on Shikoku
Posted how I spent my last day on Shikoku.