Daily Microblog
Detergent Sheets
Packed 15 laundry detergent sheets, all of 2 ounces, for the upcoming 50-day trip. They’ve been working well at home, and these 15 sheets will suffice for 15 large loads or 30 small loads. Since Japanese hotel washing machines often dispense detergent automatically, I may bring some sheets back home.
Where Stairs Don’t Lead
During my walk through the University of Minnesota’s East Bank Campus, I decided the stairs looked safe to climb. After all, it has been an unseasonably warm winter; no ice or snow impeded my ascent; my mind wandered to past climbs to Buddhist temples. At the top, of course there was no temple, just a pleasant plaza lined with picnic tables waiting for winter to end.
Introducing Beest Één
Today I made a one-minute video to introduce my first Strandbeest, Beest Één, an 8-legged walker built with LEGO Technic. I was inspired by the massive Strandbeests of Dutch kinetic artist, Theo Jansen. This particular model is largely based on a design by DIY Walkers. Click through to watch the movie.
I Speak Haircut
To prepare for my next haircut in Japan, Emily, our hairdresser of over 35 years, took photos from three sides. This will help reduce the risk of any misunderstandings with the Japanese stylist.
School’s Out
It felt like classic April weather when I arrived for English Language Learning classes this morning. Since I’ll be in Hawaii then Japan for most of the next two months, it won’t be until mid-April that I walk through these doors again.
Confronting Tough Issues
I always enjoy walking across two University of Minnesota campuses on my way home from oncology appointments. Today, stopped at an exhibit about the global impact of local activism in Minnesota, especially in areas of torture, racism, and domestic violence.
Donut Stop Believin’
With temperatures in the 50’s, it was time for a bike ride. I passed by the meter box that had needed a front panel (which I’d reported the other day), indulged in a sugary donut, then pedaled to the university for a blood draw. Unsurprisingly, my glucose was elevated. The tumor marker is also starting to rise again, a topic I’ll discuss with my oncologist tomorrow.
The Coffees Looked back at Us
On a Downtown walk with friends stopped at Gray Fox Cafe for refreshments. Their cappuccinos looked pretty fine, it almost seemed a shame to drink them.
Ready to Roll
With my bike hanging from the cycle rack, pumped up the tires. The promise of temperatures in the fifties this coming week had stirred the fair-weather cyclist within me. A quick wipe-down with a damp rag, and a dose of chain lubricant, and my bike will be good to go.
Shocking Discovery
Spotted this on my North Loop walk. A cover had been bent off an electric meter box, exposing live busbars behind the meter. The meter was running, so I knew this was a shock hazard, especially for a curious child. I called 311 and reached a live person who assured me they would dispatch someone to fix this.
Rx: Comfort Food
Early lunch at Al’s Breakfast counter: corned beef hash with a runny egg on top, hot off the griddle, fueling up between whole-body scans. Note the “mouse door” behind the folding blackboard sign.
Future-Proof Parking
Today, I spotted a new electrical box on the wall behind our two parking spots for a future EV. Along with almost half of our building’s residents we opted to pay to have the wiring installed. This was expensive with long cable runs to connect each charger to control equipment in a distant room, so I’m impressed by the number of neighbors who participated.
Strandbeest Construction Zone
Grouped LEGO beams for five legs of my strandbeest. Having built three legs already, I’m now looking to maximize the efficiency of constructing the remaining ones.
Downtown in Miniature
While exploring Downtown with a friend, peered through a window of Ryan Construction, spotted this wooden model of Downtown. The receptionist happily waved us through the lobby and summoned the model builder for an enthusiastic conversation. Hennepin Avenue Bridge is front left; the model includes our home (just off-camera).
On a Clear Day…
The mist that had lingered for days finally cleared this morning. With a squint, I could see seven Mississippi bridges from our home.
Minneapolis in the Mist
On our Sunday morning walk, Downtown was lost in a mist that had set in for the day. The Hennepin Avenue Bridge was barely visible from this vantage point on the Plymouth Avenue Bridge.