Daily Microblog
The Kid’s House
The Kid’s House, on my Purple Rain urban bike ride today.
National Costumes
Shared a classroom with headless mannequins in national costumes.
Jigsaw Puzzle Coins
Over dinner showed my nephews how British coins are a jigsaw puzzle which forms a shield.
I-35W bridge reflections, Guthrie Theater: Prince (purple lighting); 2007 bridge collapse victims (vertical blue lines)
Ukrainian Church Hall
Cycled with a friend for the first time this year. Stopped for pierogi in a Ukrainian church hall.
Bathroom Humor
Posted Bathroom Humor.
220 Volts
Replaced a controller in an air handler: I was extra careful with the 220 volt connectors.
Burning off Ice Cream
After ice cream at Sebastian Joe’s our nephews burned off some energy.
Hosing Down the Porch
Hosed down the porch. We’ll be enjoying wine on the porch this evening, taking advantage of the warm weather.
Kumamoto Earthquake
Today, thinking about the people of Kumamoto. A kind old man insisted on showing me the castle and nearby gardens.
It is Going to be OK
Google did this, unasked, to a photo I took today. I’ve just learned about a health problem, and take this to heart.
Spring is Here
On my walk round Lake of the Isles: the skating rink warming house being removed. Strong evidence Spring is here.
Uncomfortable Scene, Comfortable Food
Posted Uncomfortable Scene, Comfortable Food.
Fair-Weather Cycling
Pumped up tires, cycled to the Co-op, first time this year.