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Category: In This Together
Backpacking in Southern Spain and Portugal
On Monday we’ll meet our nephews, now 13 and 14, along with their mom and dad, at the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport. We’ll take off on a backpacking adventure in Southern Spain and Portugal. The areas we’re visiting are familiar to me; dare I say they’re curated for this family trip. We’re traveling much as we’ve…… Continue reading Backpacking in Southern Spain and Portugal
A Time To Resist
On a day when women lost a Culture Wars battle, and it was clear people like Dwight and me would be the next target, met lovely people, straight and LGBTQ+, at a Pride gathering in our community room.
No Adult Literacy Services Here
Wrote to each Hennepin County Commissioner asking them to right a wrong. The $67 million (annual budget) county public library system no longer provides GED and ESL adult literacy services. Recent immigrants have lost an important step-up in life, and I now need to go elsewhere for expert assistance with tutoring. Franklin Library (former home…… Continue reading No Adult Literacy Services Here
Sushi with the Family
Got with the family for sushi. The younger nephew, now 13, was suitably attired.
Back to the Fifties
Walked over to Theatre in the Round for “Perfect Arrangement.” Set in 1950, sham marriages, State Department witch hunts against LGBTQ people and “moral turpitude.” I fear people who want America to be like this again.
Nursing Priorities
Nursed a Surly Furious waiting for Dwight to show from his greenhouse gig. He’d been nursing seedlings from an almost-extinct Hawaiian plant that he’d previously pollinated. I was happy to wait.
Celebratory Donuts
It’s National Donut Day, but I don’t need an excuse to enjoy an old-fashioned with my morning coffee. In the bag: two rhubarb fritters for Dwight and me to mark our 35th anniversary this evening.
Memorial Day
Flags were flying today over 3rd Avenue Bridge, Minneapolis: Memorial Day, 2022. Posted Reminders of War.
Reminders Of War
Medals and ribbons, delivered to my widowed grandmother, 1917. We’re surrounded by reminders of war. Generally, most of us get the choice to look away, but many do not have that luxury as they live with the emotional and physical consequences of war. Today, Memorial Day, I’ve been picking out old posts that reference war…… Continue reading Reminders Of War