I’m Being Watched: But It’s Okay (It’s For Science)

Enrolled in a study at the university that tracks my daily activities through a location-aware phone app. The researchers are interested in understanding the time cancer patients dedicate to cancer-care related tasks compared to everyday living. I feel a bit of a fraud because all I have to do is show up at appointments. I’m…… Continue reading I’m Being Watched: But It’s Okay (It’s For Science)

Once More Unto the Breach

Kicked off my clinical trial participation with a hefty dose of testosterone. The tumor feeds on it, so the counterintuitive idea is to overload the tumor and cause it to shrink. That was the easy part of my day. Now I’m diving into the historical and political motivations of Shakespeare’s Henry V as preparation for…… Continue reading Once More Unto the Breach

Real Enough

Dentist did a great job preparing a tooth for a crown. On the way home, stopped at Moto-i for comfort food: bibimbap. I felt grateful for modern dentistry and temporarily forgot I had a temporary crown. For my parents’ generation in Scotland in the 1930’s, a pair of “falsies” (dentures) was a 21st birthday rite of…… Continue reading Real Enough


Bill Charlap Trio at the Dakota this evening. American Songbook, Gershwin, Sondheim, … . Perspective for earlier in the day when the focus was on being randomized into a clinical study.

Keeping Perspective

On the walk home from a lab draw at the University, the result popped up on my phone: my tumor marker is increasing (expected, but unwelcome news) to the point I just qualify for a clinical study (good news). As I sometimes do, dropped in on one of the exhibits that appear in different departments of the University. This one, about LGBTQ history, helped me keep perspective.

Confronting Tough Issues

I always enjoy walking across two University of Minnesota campuses on my way home from oncology appointments. Today, stopped at an exhibit about the global impact of local activism in Minnesota, especially in areas of torture, racism, and domestic violence.

Donut Stop Believin’

With temperatures in the 50’s, it was time for a bike ride. I passed by the meter box that had needed a front panel (which I’d reported the other day), indulged in a sugary donut, then pedaled to the university for a blood draw. Unsurprisingly, my glucose was elevated. The tumor marker is also starting to rise again, a topic I’ll discuss with my oncologist tomorrow.

Our Pharmacy Museum

We’ve only just learned that health insurance covers $50 each per quarter for over-the-counter medications, toothpaste, floss, etc. I thought we couldn’t possibly spend that much, then I checked our medicine drawer. Everything in this photo has expired with dates going back to 2013. Some things get better with age, not medicine drawers.

Almost Home

Cycled home from the university hospital as the sun was setting after a day dominated by medical appointments. Grateful there are new options when I’ll need them. Home is just beyond the end of this tunnel.

Indulging Without Regret

Sandwiched a few moments of zen sitting at the counter of Al’s Diner in Dinkytown between full body scans at the university. Surprisingly, clogged arteries aren’t on my healthcare problem list.

Categorized as Eat, Health