Daily Microblog
Indian Canyons
As we hiked Indian Canyons trails, the desert was getting ready to bloom.
Back to Palm Springs, back to an apartment we rented last year, back to watching the sun setting behind Mount San Jacinto. Snowbirds.
Valentine’s Day 2023
On my Downtown walk, a pile of balloons beckoned. Couldn’t resist a selfie.
Data Insurance
Took a snapshot of our cloud data, almost filling an encrypted 256GB thumb drive. If all goes well I’ll never use the $20 thumb drive again.
Pad Thai
Dwight drove to Burnsville (a suburb) to catch up with a friend at Red Lobster. Meanwhile I walked to Thailand for a solo pad thai at Sawatdee in an old (1856) building. Japan was closed today.
No Sausages Today
It’s Tip-The-Fridge Week, which preempts our traditional Sausage Saturday. Tonight we’re having carnitas from the freezer with polenta and a substantial salad. We’re still having ice cream: an intriguing small-batch pint from a local store.
Frozen Mississippi
On my walk, crossed a frozen Mississippi. The University of Minnesota East and West Bank campuses are directly behind me.
Blues for an Alabama Sky
Looked out at our apartment (among many apartments) through a mirror-framed window at the Guthrie Theater while sipping a pre-show glass of wine. We then stepped into a world of Harlem apartments in the 1930’s: Blues for an Alabama Sky, finding family, fulfilling dreams.
Suburban Bus Stop
My trekking pole came in handy as I clambered over an icy mound while the bus driver waited patiently.
Buying Time by Sticking It to Cancer
These drugs are becoming less effective against my prostate cancer. Today I was randomized to a study drug on a phase 3 clinical trial. I’ll be injected 4 times with a drug that selectively sticks to tumor. A radioactive metal stuck to the drug may “stick it” to the tumor. I’m grateful and hopeful.
The Gopher Way
Emerged from The Gopher Way, a system of tunnels and skyways at the University of Minnesota.
Rising from Ruins
Towards the end of our Sunday walk, stopped to take in the hodgepodge of structures of Mill City Museum. A modern museum rises out of the carefully stabilized ruins of what was once the world’s largest flour mill.
Google’s Love Bug
When we leave our home we tell Google to turn off all the lights. In recent times, Google has decided to play cool jazz once the lights are out. This morning I reviewed the settings and concluded this is a bug. We’ll now avoid Google’s attempts at romance by using a different voice command.
Avoiding Frostbite
This is an unusual viewpoint for me: drove our car for the first time this winter. I always walk to my Friday gig, but today was frostbite weather. The car was a comfortable 64°F when I started out.
A Special Place
Dwight showed a friend and me around the University of Minnesota teaching and research greenhouse where he volunteers. This gorgeous space has four rooms, each with a different climate, including this desert room. The rainforest room smelled and felt wonderful on this frigid day.
Resistance was Futile
Walked with friends towards donuts.