
Daily Microblog

A Different Look at Our Neighborhood

Jun 7, 2023

As I was nearing the end of my bike ride, noticed that the Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam was open to the public today. Wandered around and took in views of our neighborhood.

Cold War Relic

Cold War Relic

Jun 6, 2023

On my cycle ride: Cold War-era playground rocket ship elevated to sculpture. Installed in 1962, soon after Alan Shepherd became the first American in space, the climbing frame is now considered unsafe for kids. Neighbors raised $50,000 to convert it to a public art piece.

Avoiding Russia

Jun 5, 2023

Posted Avoiding Russia. Next week, we’ll be flying on one of Delta’s newest planes from Minneapolis to Tokyo. Under normal circumstances, this journey would take us through Russian airspace for several hours.

Musical Conversations

Musical Conversations

Jun 4, 2023

Late afternoon concert of chamber music by members of the Minnesota Orchestra in the Atrium of Orchestra Hall.

In This Together

Jun 3, 2023

We’re 36 years into our journey together.

Sticking it to Diabetes

Jun 2, 2023

Chatted with a man who was sticking arrows to the trail. He explained that the arrows marked alternative cycling routes for the American Diabetes Association “Tour de Cure” tomorrow. There are four routes: 5 miles, 27 miles, 50 miles, and 72 miles.

Celebrating Pride with LEGO

Jun 1, 2023

Cycled to the LEGO Shop at the Mall of America to buy the new Everyone is Awesome building set, which went on sale today, the first day of Pride Month. It was 30% off, and I used $5 worth of points from my LEGO VIP (no less) account. Rode the LRT home, admiring my purchase… Continue reading Celebrating Pride with LEGO

Fractional Milestones

May 31, 2023

Cycled to the university for medical appointments. A medical student from Japan observed while I met with my oncologist. Received the third of four radioactive infusions. Remarkably, the tumor marker halved after each of the first two infusions, and I feel no side effects.

Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover

May 30, 2023

The anonymous industrial buildings may look unassuming, but they house a large Asian supermarket and one of the city’s best seafood markets. I bought vegetables at United Noodles and sea scallops at Coastal Seafoods, taking advantage of their 20% senior discount on Tuesdays.

Japan Loose-Ends List

May 29, 2023

Posted Japan Loose-Ends List. Soon, our nephew and his dad will be backpacking with us in Japan. In this post I share a list of planning details that needed attention as we got closer to our travel date.

Family Drama

May 28, 2023

Tonight we’re about to watch Tokyo Story (1953), a classic of Japanese cinema.

A Cyclist’s Oasis

May 27, 2023

Even my phone overheated while cycling through Nordeast Minneapolis. Finding relief, I took a quick break in Surdyk’s walk-in beer cooler. A six-pack of Bauhaus Lounge Wizard in my backpack kept my back cool on the journey home.

Saving Lives, Saving Money

May 26, 2023

On my cycle ride, waved to and thanked needle exchange workers. The service costs about $20 per user per year. One syringe-infected AIDS patient requires over $120,000 per year in public health services. Six states ignore this reality and do not permit needle exchange programs.

Hydroponics 101

May 25, 2023

This week I’ve been prototyping systems for maintaining water levels while rooting plant cuttings. This morning I built a “production” system that includes a float valve connected to a water supply to top up the tank automatically.

Cognitive Itch*

May 24, 2023

Spotted an octopus’s garden on my cycle ride. My earworm for the rest of the ride was inevitable: I’d like to be\…\In an octopus’s garden\In the shade. (*Cognitive itch: the cause of an earworm.)

That’s Closed! No Ice Cream!

May 23, 2023

Today I had to teach about sentences starting with “That.” In preparation for the class I plugged a convoluted sentence into ChatGPT: although correct, it suggested not starting sentences with “That.” After all that I needed ice cream as a reward, but the store was closed.