
Daily Microblog

Into the Woods

Aug 9, 2023

Walked over to the Guthrie to see Into the Woods, which explores what happens after “happily ever afters.”

Renewing Lake Street

Aug 8, 2023

A man in a car shouted, “Good job!” as he drove by the construction workers on Lake Street. “Thank you,” one of the workers replied without pausing his work. I didn’t mind having to push my bike past the construction. Lake Street has been through some tough times, now it’s coming back.

A Favorite Spot for Breakfast

Aug 7, 2023

Paused for cooked-to-order breakfast sandwiches beside Lake Harriet. Nearby, mothers relaxed with their young kids, and a four-person book club sometimes discussed the book.

Mitigating Risk

Aug 6, 2023

Tethered the shelving I set up last week to a wall bracket screwed into a stud. The tether is designed to prevent furniture tipping over in an earthquake. We don’t have earthquakes, but if someone falls and grabs on, they won’t end up with the shelves on top of them.

Sausage Saturday Shopping

Aug 5, 2023

On my bike ride, picked up the missing ingredients for Sausage Saturday: Ukrainian sausage from Kramarczuk’s, crusty bread from Surdyk’s, and over-packaged baby kale from Lunds and Byerlys.

The Weakest Link

Aug 4, 2023

My bike ride came to an abrupt halt when the rear derailleur locked up. A link in the chain had failed. Pushed my bike two miles to Freewheel Bike, near our home, where bike technician Martin replaced the chain on the spot in five minutes flat.

A Fruit So Smelly, It’s Not Returnable

Aug 3, 2023

On a walk with a friend, cooled off in a large Asian supermarket. Noted the nonreturnable durian. “Its odor is best described as pig-excrement, turpentine and onions, garnished with a gym sock.” (Wikipedia.) Left with a bag of matcha Japanese Kit Kats.

55-Bin System for Hobbies and Home

Aug 2, 2023

Started setting up a 55-bin system to organize parts for our hobbies and home maintenance, replacing dozens of plastic shoeboxes. About a quarter of the bins will hold bulk and bulky LEGO Technic parts. The bins are easily subdivided, making parts more available.

Minding Our Ps and Bs

Aug 1, 2023

In the Somali language there’s no P (puh) sound, so we reviewed the difference between puh and buh (B) sounds. (With puh, you can feel your breath.) The definite article (the) is another challenge for Somali learners: in Somali it’s a suffix to the noun, so it’s too easy to forget to use it in… Continue reading Minding Our Ps and Bs

Riding Leafy Rail Trails

Jul 31, 2023

Rode trails from Stillwater back to Minneapolis. This leafy section, the Brown’s Creek State Trail, is a former rail trail that rises slowly from Stillwater to connect with the Gateway State Trail, another leafy rail trail, that took us towards St. Paul.

A Night in Stillwater

Jul 30, 2023

After dinner at Dock Cafe, looking out at the St. Croix River in Stillwater, we walked across the now pedestrianized lift bridge towards Wisconsin. Earlier, we checked in to Water Street Inn for the night, having cycled from our home along lovely trails.

Limits of Technology

Jul 29, 2023

Me: “OK Google, add toothpaste to the shopping list.” We’d like to change the wakeup words to “OK Janet”—a kind and wise Scottish housekeeper for two doctors in a 1960’s BBC TV series. Unlike with Google Assistant, Janet would offer to pour a “wee dram” and toothpaste would never run out.

Prototyping a Gantry Crane

Jul 28, 2023

Finished a working prototype of the y axis of a gantry crane (the part that carries the hoist). I aimed for smooth motion, minimum parts, and maximum symmetry. Next I’ll prototype the x axis. Eventually I plan to give the completed crane enough smarts to operate autonomously.

“The World is Going Our Way”

Jul 27, 2023

Reminisced with a friend while we explored the Northwest Airlines History Center. Resisted bashing the gong while improvising the “Northwest Orient (insert the sound of a gong) Airlines” jingle. Got the inside scoop from a retired pilot who flew one of my favorites, the 747-200. Click through to hear the jingle.

Breaking a Fast

Jul 26, 2023

After a fasting blood draw, made up for lost time with corned beef hash and a fried egg at diminutive Al’s Breakfast in Dinkytown. The transfer from the griddle to a plate in front of me was performed with a minimum of movement.

Milwaukee Avenue Historical District

Jul 25, 2023

On my way to Coastal Seafoods for my 20% senior discount, paused to admire the lovely car-free Milwaukee Avenue Historical District. In the 1970s, the federal government planned to replace this neighborhood with apartment buildings, but clever local resistance forced the feds to back down.