
Daily Microblog

Avoiding the ER

Dec 11, 2023

Icy sidewalks drove me to the skyways, where I walked through interesting spaces, including the Westin in the former Farmers and Mechanics Bank building.

Our Playhouse

Dec 10, 2023

Dwight worked on his second LEGO gingerbread house, a model of the family’s first North Dakota farmhouse (replaced by a house purchased through the Sears Roebuck mail-order catalog). Meanwhile I trained my LEGO gantry crane to locate and move bricks. Tonight we stream Barbie.

Handel’s Messiah

Dec 9, 2023

Handel’s Messiah at Orchestra Hall from the nosebleed section, aka the gods (UK English). First performed in Dublin in 1742 it still sounds good today, even from the cheap seats.

Cactus Blooms, Christmas Looms

Dec 8, 2023

Our Christmas cactus is living up to its name, with many buds still waiting to open. We won’t assemble the tree for another week, but Dwight is busy creating two or three gingerbread houses using his architectural LEGO.

Early Start

Dec 7, 2023

Sunrise from the number 22H, heading for Lake Street.

Peeling Back Japan’s Layers

Dec 6, 2023

Assembled map layers to help figure out a trip to Japan next March. Layers include a 19th Century journey by explorer Isabella Bird, a 17th Century journey by poet Matsuo Basho, an ancient 88-temple pilgrimage, rural train lines liable to be closed, and OLLE hiking trails on Kyushu. More layers to follow.

Beyond the Boundaries of Art

Dec 5, 2023

I ventured behind the blackout curtain on the left to find utter darkness. As I waited for my eyes to adjust, it dawned on me that this was not part of the exhibition. I quickly retreated back into the light, just as a docent approached. A mea culpa was in order.

A Splash of Color

Dec 4, 2023

On my gray, misty Mississippi walk, a vibrant mural splashed across a concrete wall stabilizing the riverbank. “What Will Sustain Us?”—art that discourages taggers and transforms the mundane.

Still Waters

Dec 3, 2023

We took our usual Sunday walk along one side of the Mississippi River, then headed back on the other side. The weather was comfortably in the mid-30s, and there was no wind. Even the river was calm.

A Bit of What You Fancy Does You Good

Dec 2, 2023

It’s Sausage Saturday which means there’ll be a (Nathan Lane) movie with an intermission with ice cream. Tonight: Gooey Butter Cake ice cream. “Cream cheese ice cream layered with crumbles of vanilla cake and a swirl of caramel-butterscotch sauce.” Dubious nutritional value. Perfect.

A Merry Countdown.

Dec 1, 2023

My thoughtful sister-in-law has gifted us an early Christmas present: an advent calendar filled with 24 miniature wine bottles, all different. Each day we’ll open a new door to reveal another liquid delight.

The Unspoken Rules of Adjective Order

Nov 30, 2023

An adjective order exercise was in the lesson plan today. There are many nuances in the English language that we are never taught explicitly, we just learn them through trial and error: correct adjective order is one of them. For non-native speakers, it needs to be taught explicitly.

Through the Eye of a Gantry Crane

Nov 29, 2023

Having refined the LEGO gantry crane’s mechanics sufficiently, I’ve turned my focus to machine vision. This introduces software challenges that I’m tackling in small doses.

A Trip to Dayton’s

Nov 28, 2023

Walked around a chilly Downtown, mainly indoors, with friends. At the reimagined former Dayton’s flagship department store, visited a Winter Makers Market. Tomorrow my friends celebrate 55 years of marriage, how time flies.

ELL Training

Nov 27, 2023

Completed an online ELL (English Language Learning) training course this afternoon as part of the annual training requirements set by the Minnesota Department of Education.

Sunday Roast: Toad in the Hole

Nov 26, 2023

The bacon sausages are from a farm near Minneapolis. I improvised gravy with a base of chicken broth from the freezer and some heavy cream. The veg was slow-braised cabbage to which I added several umami boosters including fish sauce and tomato paste. Somewhat monochromatic, but good on a cold, windy night.