Daily Microblog
Electronic Toilet
My hotel room toilet is the most technological yet. I’ve no idea what you’re supposed to do in a power outage.
Kagoshima Arrival
9:40 p.m. Arrived Kagoshima off bullet train.
HNL Nature Walk
HNL 10:30 a.m. Great airport for walking. Walls open to the elements, mountain views, gardens to explore.
KOA Airport
7:00 a.m. KOA (Kona, Hawaii Big Island)
Hike on Lava
Went for a hike on lava and took a selfie. Tonight, Dwight returns to mainland, in the morning I go to Japan.
Traveling to a Different Mental Place
Wrote about traveling to a different mental place.
Tiki Bar Lunch
Lunch in our local tiki bar.
Spigot Pix
Biennial event, 2014: playing with spigot and hose, unposed. 2010 and 2012, in background, on display in kitchen.
Specialized Part
Walked around a light industrial area to find a part for Dwight’s dive computer. Eventually found it in a regular store.
In the Moment
Rented a boat. Watched a humpback whale spiral up into the air: didn’t take photos, just wanted to be in the moment.
Waiting for My SCUBA Diver
At harbor waiting for my returning SCUBA diver. Figured this is a good vantage point, purely to get out of the sun.
Bite Me Fish Market
Went to the harbor to buy fish to cook this evening.
Plantation Manager’s House
Enjoyed the night sky. Jupiter is close to the moon.
A House on Hawaii Big Island
Wrote about our (rented) house on Hawaii Big Island.