30,000 Miles

Winter was receding as we walked around Lake of the Isles. When we lived in this neighborhood, I, along with other regulars, jogged or walked this lake almost every day. Over the decades that added up to something like 30,000 miles.

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Projecting Calm

A run became a walk; blue poles projected calm.

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Treadmill Fears

It’s beyond freezing out there, so I jogged on a treadmill for the first time in decades. For most of the run I held on for dear life, concerned I’d be launched backwards off the contraption. Then I noticed the clip attached to a cord attached to an emergency Off switch.

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Sunrise Jog

As the sun rose, I jogged.

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Four-Bridge Jog

My running route crosses four Mississippi bridges. This 1901 former railroad bridge takes me to Nicollet Island.

Jogging with Hot Flashes

It was more like October when I ran round Lake of the Isles today. The cold and wind nicely mitigated my medication-induced hot flashes.

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Moody Sky

Jogged round Lake of the Isles under a moody sky.

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Clear Path

My jogging route today was remarkably clear, considering one foot of snow had been forecast.

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