Daily Microblog
Basho’s Journey
Wrote about my second day of looking for traces of Matsuo Basho’s 1689 journey.
Exploring Matsuo Basho
Explored places Matsuo Basho visited 1689 traveling his “Narrow Road to the Deep North.” It’s fun figuring this out.
Destination Kanazawa
Saturday morning: a bullet train, then an express train to Kanazawa.
Kazurabashi Vine Bridge
Walked across Kazurabashi vine bridge in vertiginous Iya Valley in the interior of the island of Shikoku.
End of the Line
Took 3 progressively smaller trains to the end of the line in southeast Shikoku to see what was there. I then hiked.
Temples 1 through 5
Wednesday: hiked to temples 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of the Shikoku 88 pilgrimage temples. More pictures.
Post Card From An Art Island
Hey C, D: a post card of a giant pumpkin for you from an art island called Naoshima. Can you draw an art island?
Chichu Museum
Art hike, day 2, including extraordinary underground Chichu Museum: removing boundaries between art and architecture.
A Day to be Forgotten
I write about a day to be forgotten. Yikes.
Benesse House
Inland Sea from my room at Benesse House Art Museum on Naoshima Island. Walked miles viewing art inside and outside.
Art Island
Monday plan: Naoshima “art island” Inspired by a post at tofugu.com about staying in an “art site” with hotel rooms.
Not a Kim Jong-un Bouffant
Out-of-Comfort-Zone Weekend, Part 2 : haircut, explained with gesticulations. Feared I’d get a Kim Jong-un bouffant.
A Night in a Capsule Hotel
Wrote about last night’s stay in a capsule hotel.
A Night in a Capsule Hotel
Home tonight. I’m top, first in row. Currently in yucata, street clothes in wash. Everybody minds their own business.
Outside of Comfort Zone
Saturday, currently on bullet train to Okayama. This weekend’s theme: outside of my comfort zone. Tonight, it’s a capsule hotel for $26.