Daily Microblog
Naughty Knitting
Posted about an old lady who knitted something a bit too personal for her apartment manager.
Playing With a Soldering Iron
Created a traffic light construction kit and soldered parts. Decided 6-year-old + 7-year-old + soldering iron = bad idea.
Worth the Cold Walk
It wasn’t too cold to walk over to The Kenwood for dinner.
Minimizing Packaging
Filled up with dish and hand soap at Linden Hills Coop. Wish I could do the same with wine at the liquor store.
Scottish Rite Temple
Rear view of Scottish Rite Temple on my walk to the supermarket.
Dreaming of Kyushu
Posted Dreaming of Kyushu, a warm place,
Channel Between Two Lakes
On my walk today: the channel between Lake of the Isles and Lake Calhoun.
Kyushu Hikes Accessible via Transit
Started building an interactive map of hikes in Kyushu (Japan) accessed by public transport.
Snowy Lake of the Isles
Lake of the Isles, transformed by snow, on my run today.
Tenite Butyrate
Posted about using tenite butyrate to reduce backpack weight.
Ready for the Storm
Ready for Monday’s snow storm.
35W Bridge Collapse Memorial
Cycled past the Interstate-35W bridge collapse memorial.
Flower Bike
After food shopping at Wedge Coop, spotted this bike brightening up a drab day, then got back on my unadorned bike.
Sabo Bridge
Cycled across the Sabo Bridge.
No Snow, Will Cycle
I’ll keep cycling until the snow falls.