Daily Microblog
Soldering a Solenoid
Soldered a solenoid for some after-school fun with my nephews. Their joy would be complete if it made vulgar sounds.
All the Maps I Need
Loaded maps for the entire USA and Japan onto this card, with room for 10 times as many maps. I like to travel light.
Lake of the Isles today: Ice-Henge. Various structures are being unveiled on the lake for tomorrow’s Luminary Loppet.
Ice Pillars
Lake of the Isles: ice pillars being formed for Saturday’s Luminary Loppet.
Posted about how to avoid losing photographs, even if you lose your camera.
Snow Sculptures
With temperatures rising into the 40’s it was time to see the St. Paul Winter Carnival snow sculptures.
Tulips from Minnesota
Wedge Co-op, tulips from Minnesota.
Color on a Winter’s Day
Colors punched grayscale today at Lake of the Isles.
Daffodils in Winter
At the end of my run, popped into Lund’s supermarket, Uptown, for a jar of marmalade and was reminded of spring.
Kauai in a Box
Posted Kauai in a Box.
Winter Staycation
Winter staycation, Minneapolis.
Coastal Trail
Hiked coastal trail, then late lunch at Duke’s (Lihue) before heading for the airport. LIH–HNL, HNL–SEA, SEA–MSP.
Swamp Hike
Kalalau Valley. We paused here then hiked swamp trails. We’ve backpacked to this valley then camped by the ocean.
Another Sunset
Another sunset.
Waimea, Kauai
Small town America, on our walk back to our cottage after dinner at Wrangler’s. We dined there almost 30 years ago.
Nu’alolo Trail
On the Nu’alolo Trail, Koke’e State Park.