
Daily Microblog

13 Breweries and One Strip Joint

May 19, 2016

We cycled in search of architecture: 13 breweries and one strip joint. Sampled the wares at one place (a brewery).

Cycle, LRT, Cycle, Classroom

May 18, 2016

Replay of Monday: cycle, LRT, cycle, classroom.

A Narrow Mind

May 17, 2016

Cycled to Lake Minnetonka. A man reinforced my preconceptions of white suburbs by telling me about “those Muslims.”

Bike on a Train

Bike on a Train

May 16, 2016

Bike, LRT, bike to a classroom where I learned stuff.

New Bike Seat

May 15, 2016

Took my fancy new bike seat for a test ride. It was less uncomfortable than my old one, beer helped on the way back.

Protecting Annuals

May 14, 2016

We helped our annuals to survive the threat of overnight frost. The low was 34°F; a week earlier, the high was 92°F.

My Favorite Childhood Photo

May 13, 2016

Rediscovered this today: I had filled a birdcage with snow, and was pulling it on a cart. Is this art?

Frank Lloyd Wright in Minneapolis

May 12, 2016

Our cycle ride in search of Frank Lloyd Wright included this Minneapolis beauty on Cedar Lake.

Easy to Miss

May 11, 2016

Discovered the “Smallest Museum in St. Paul” in a fire hose cabinet outside Workhorse Cafe, University and Raymond.

Calories, Coffee, Chat

May 10, 2016

My morning: calories, coffee, chat.

Back to School

May 9, 2016

Went back to school.

Journeys Through the Eyes of Children

May 8, 2016

Posted Journeys Through the Eyes of Children.

Smoke Haze

May 7, 2016

Hazy Minneapolis skyline from Lake of the Isles. I could taste and smell the smoke from the Canadian wildfires.

Sausages Made Here

May 6, 2016

Today’s high will be in the 80’s. Time to throw something on the barbecue.

St. Paul Alley

May 5, 2016

A friend and I cycled in search of St. Paul’s architecture. I love this alley beside the James J. Hill House.

Frost Warning

May 4, 2016

Got a car-load of plants for the garden.