Walking into Forbidden Places

We were riding the Delhi metro when we became aware of dirty looks, and, oddly, all the other passengers were female.  Then it dawned on us we had stumbled into the women-only coach. The fine for this infraction was higher than for riding on the roof, and it was being regularly enforced.  The subway train was moving, we…… Continue reading Walking into Forbidden Places

This and That

Lunch special at Tao Natural Foods before walk to Minneapolis Central Library. Picked up repaired watch on walk home.

Ikebukuro Station

This picture evokes vivid memories. April 2013, I’m underground in Tokyo, in Ikebukuro Station, the second busiest train station in the world with over 2.7 million passengers a day. I never walk up on the surface of Tokyo. I’ve just arrived from Matsuyama on the island of Shikoku, the nether regions of Japan, to catch a train back out of…… Continue reading Ikebukuro Station

Snow Monster

Sunny winter’s day, a good day to walk on the squeaky sub-zero snow. Spotted a snow monster and a cyclist on the lake.