Easy to Miss

Discovered the “Smallest Museum in St. Paul” in a fire hose cabinet outside Workhorse Cafe, University and Raymond.

St. Paul Alley

A friend and I cycled in search of St. Paul’s architecture. I love this alley beside the James J. Hill House.


I-35W bridge reflections, Guthrie Theater: Prince (purple lighting); 2007 bridge collapse victims (vertical blue lines)

Bathroom Humor

My nephews will giggle when they see this sign in June. I’m taking my nephews (7 and 8), their parents, and my partner, Dwight, to the area where I grew up. I took the photograph last year in the main train station of my home town, Newcastle upon Tyne, England. I expect a few bathroom…… Continue reading Bathroom Humor

Categorized as Cancer, UK

Kumamoto Earthquake

Today, thinking about the people of Kumamoto. A kind old man insisted on showing me the castle and nearby gardens.

Categorized as Kyushu