September 2016: I’ll land in Wakkanai, Japan’s northernmost airport capable of handling commercial jets. If the plane were to fly 30 miles further, I’d be in the Russian Federation. I’ll then take a boat to Rishiri Island. July 1848: Ranald MacDonald, 24 years old, half native American, half Scottish, landed on Rishiri Island. He represented himself…… Continue reading Japan’s First ESL (English as a Second Language) Teacher
Category: East Asia
Fast Recovery
I’m healing fast from surgery so booked (frequent flyer miles) flights to northern Hokkaido, departing in six weeks.
Cycling Around Hakata Station
I had thirty minutes to kill before boarding a bullet train, enough time for a bicycle-themed walk. I was outside Hakata Station, the busiest train station on Kyushu, the southernmost of Japan’s four main islands. I tried to walk predictably so as not to confuse cyclists who shared the sidewalk with pedestrians. About 17% of…… Continue reading Cycling Around Hakata Station
Cycling Around Hakata Station
Posted Cycling Around Hakata Station.
Kumamoto Earthquake
Today, thinking about the people of Kumamoto. A kind old man insisted on showing me the castle and nearby gardens.
Uncomfortable Scene, Comfortable Food
Train stations in Japan can be busy places, but boarding trains is an orderly process. In mainline and subway stations, symbols on the ground show where to form lines. When a train arrives, each door aligns with the queuing passengers. Train stops are brief, trains run on time. But things can go wrong. I can’t…… Continue reading Uncomfortable Scene, Comfortable Food
Uncomfortable Scene, Comfortable Food
Posted Uncomfortable Scene, Comfortable Food.
12:30 a.m., Tokyo Haneda, about to board a flight to San Francisco, along with all the other jet-setters.
Six hours in Tokyo:☑ Walked across Tokyo Bay☑ Explored Imperial Hotel lobby☑ Sipped beer above Tokyo Stati
“My” street: ryokan’s, restaurants run by couples, homes. If the snow monkeys come out at night, I’ll be asleep.