The first frost of the season nipped Minneapolis this week, signaling less cycling and more hiking. My boots are squeaky clean and ready. Boots are bulky, which is an issue when flying with a small carry-on backpack. It’s amazing how much you can stuff into boots, then further reduce the bulk by tying the laces…… Continue reading Travel Gear: Packing Hiking Boots
Category: Travel Gear
Travel Gear: Packing Hiking Boots
Posted Travel Gear: Packing Hiking Boots.
How I Tunneled through the Great Firewall of China
For political and commercial reasons, China blocks Internet sites. Services I use daily, like Google, Blogger, Twitter, and the New York Times, simply do not exist on China’s Internet, thanks to the Great Firewall of China. Before my trip to Shanghai in April 2017 I made sure I would have access to all the Internet…… Continue reading How I Tunneled through the Great Firewall of China
How I Tunneled through the Great Firewall of China
Posted How I Tunneled through the Great Firewall of China.
Ready to Travel
My backpack, waiting by the door.
Electrical Adaptor Soup
Selected charging gear for my next trip:Type A: USA, Japan, Mainland ChinaType C: Mainland China, South Korea, NetherlandsType G: UAE, UK
How to Dispose of Unwanted Money
Tomorrow I’ll be stopping at the post office to drop off a box filled with foreign coins and banknotes. Last year, at Newcastle International Airport, I showed my nephews an easier way to dispose of foreign currency. I led them to a big, bubble-shaped currency donation bin, then handed them some UK coins. As you…… Continue reading How to Dispose of Unwanted Money
Imperfect Gifts for Long-Haul Travelers
The other day I came across an article at with the click-bait title: 10 Perfect Gifts for your Favorite Long-Haul Traveler. I was skeptical right out of the starting gate: I travel light, a declaration I repeat ad nauseam. Recently I renewed my passport, and opted for the version with more pages as I was running…… Continue reading Imperfect Gifts for Long-Haul Travelers
New Passport
Assembled an application for a new passport. My current passport doesn’t have the six blank visa pages I need for my next trip.
New Hiking Boots
New hiking boots came in the mail from REI. I don’t buy the most durable boots: the boots take the beating, not my feet.