Our yard this morning, still snowing: definitely a white Christmas. We went for a run on the fresh snow.
Category: Seasonal
Our Traditional Tree
Life, Phase 3, is an opportunity to simplify. Simplification will become a necessity when, one day, we move from our current home to something more manageable. With simplification in mind, we took our bulky Christmas tree to the curb. “Free. Take me.” I was attaching the “take me” sign when a car came to a…… Continue reading Our Traditional Tree
Our Traditional Tree
Wrote about our traditional tree.
Enough of Turkey
Finally took down the Thanksgiving decorations.
Running on Fresh Snow
Ran on this morning’s fresh snow.
New Home for a Christmas Tree
Downsizing today. I was attaching the sign when a lady asked if she could have the tree. We loaded her car, giggling.
Favorite Childhood Tree Ornament
Unpacked Christmas decoration boxes: found favorite childhood tree ornament and high school slide rule. Memories.
The Arrival of Our Tree
Collected 3 foot Minnesota deadfall cherrywood Christmas tree at Possibilitree’s workshop, Nordeast Minneapolis.
Snow Falling on Lake
Walked round Cedar Lake, light snow falling.
Warming up a Cold Day
Today’s low is -11F. Brightened things up by switching on the holiday lights for the first time this season.