
At Brickmania, in a former WW2 bombsight factory, followed balls rolling through a giant kinetic K’Nex sculpture.

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White LEGO

Ordered 825 of these Lego parts so Dwight can expand his architectural explorations. (This is a color photo.)

Categorized as LEGO

Flight Simulator

Flight simulator, MSP Airport, this morning. I was waiting for Dwight to go through his Global Entry interview.

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Homemade Holiday Lights

Soldered LEDs, resistors, and wires. Next week, we’ll use these lights to build Christmas ornaments with our nephews.

An Old Lady with Attitude

What is this? Surely it’s not a hat. I came across this while reorganizing our kitchen drawers. It’s a tea cozy, designed to keep a teapot warm. It was 1999. I was in Glasgow, Scotland, visiting my elderly aunt. Her elegantly dressed, equally ancient neighbor presented me with the tea cozy she had knitted. The… Continue reading An Old Lady with Attitude

Playing With a Soldering Iron

Created a traffic light construction kit and soldered parts. Decided 6-year-old + 7-year-old + soldering iron = bad idea.

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Queen Boadicea

Caribou Coffee: Demonstrated my extensive knowledge of world history. (Most British schoolkids can answer this one.)

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Inner Child

Fed my inner child: some Lego Technic pieces arrived in the mail. My nephews *might* get these in 2 or 3 years.

Categorized as LEGO