Lego Technic Therapy

My mind goes to a different place when I build models with Lego Technic and Mindstorms. This week, as I recover from surgery, a dose of Technic seemed like a good idea. I decided to work on my Lego Technic design aesthetic. Yoshihito Isogawa produces wonderful Technic books that demonstrate a pleasing balance of form… Continue reading Lego Technic Therapy


Designed a claw to pick up and drop a ping-pong ball. My nephews and I will use this to build an arcade game.

Categorized as LEGO

Slowing It Down

We set up LEGO test tracks for our nephews. The theme is: Slowing It Down. I suspect they will want to Speed It Up.

LEGO Sidewalk Art

On our bicycle ride back home after an overnight in the far western ‘burbs: LEGO-inspired sidewalk art.

Categorized as LEGO, Arts

LEGO Sculptures

Cycled with a friend to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum where we looked for LEGO sculptures.

Categorized as Arts, LEGO

White LEGO

Ordered 825 of these Lego parts so Dwight can expand his architectural explorations. (This is a color photo.)

Categorized as LEGO

Inner Child

Fed my inner child: some Lego Technic pieces arrived in the mail. My nephews *might* get these in 2 or 3 years.

Categorized as LEGO


Visited a LEGO club in a former WW2 bombsight factory. Viewed complex models, and the nephews built vehicles to race.

Being An Uncle

Lego, breakfast, cycle, ice cream, Lego, Dad arrives to whisk them home, cup of tea, nap. It’s good being an uncle.