Planned an old-fashioned afternoon tea in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, for family and friends.
Category: Plan
Long Hauls, Cheap Tix
Posted Long Hauls, Cheap Tix.
I like to cook from scratch, but some days I simply want to assemble previously cooked ingredients. The solution is to have a selection of “subassembly” ingredients in the freezer. I’ve written about one of these ingredients: stock. Another is mirepoix. Mirepoix is the “holy trinity” of two parts onion and one part each of…… Continue reading Mirepoix
My Kagoshima: Kirishima Volcanic Group Practicalities
From Karakunidake. There’s nothing like a decent hike after a long series of flights. I previously posted how to get from Kagoshima Airport to a hotel on the edge of the Kirishima Volcanic Group of Kirishima-Kinkowan National Park. The hourly bus from the airport takes you to the Kirishima Iwasaki Hotel in 47 minutes. If you arrive…… Continue reading My Kagoshima: Kirishima Volcanic Group Practicalities
The End of a 500-Mile Walk
September 2010, I felt sad as Bamburgh Castle loomed in front of us. For three weeks my partner and I got up each morning, enjoyed a hearty breakfast, then walked. I wanted to walk forever, but this Northumberland castle on the North Sea marked the end of our walk. We had started down the coast at…… Continue reading The End of a 500-Mile Walk
Heavy Rain
A good day to be indoors planning October hikes.
Plotting Trails
Prepared for October hikes: plotted trails, created GPS track files, printed 1:25,000 paper maps (as backup).
Flights to the UK with Family
Booked flights for an adventure with our nephews (they’ll be 7 and 8) and their parents.
Zen and the Art of Casserole Assembly
Oh, the things I wish I’d known when I was young. Take the ingredients for a basic bake pictured at the top of this post. They look simple enough but for me they represent small lessons learned over decades. Mise en Place I enjoy the calmness of preparing and laying out all the ingredients for…… Continue reading Zen and the Art of Casserole Assembly
My Kagoshima: Chunking the Map
I’m filled with questions when I look at a map of a place I have never visited. How do I chunk up a manageable journey through this place? How do I get there? Which areas do I visit? Where are the hiking trails? Where are the trailheads? How do I get around? How do I…… Continue reading My Kagoshima: Chunking the Map