Swore when I knocked a mug of coffee onto the keyboard while tutoring a student online. It could’ve been worse: I said sh#$ rather than f&$#, and the keyboard still works.
Category: In This Together
A Place Where Masks Are Apolitical
Posted A Place Where Masks Are Apolitical.
A Place Where Masks Are Apolitical
I’ve been searching through my photographs for crowd scenes in Japan. Here’s one at a Tokyo train station: November 2018. Tokyo’s Shinagawa Station. A woman, bottom right, is wearing a face mask. Perhaps she has a cold and wants to protect others, or maybe she’s protecting herself from airborne pathogens. If you look more closely,…… Continue reading A Place Where Masks Are Apolitical
Digital Birthday Greetings
Sang Happy Birthday to our 12-year-old nephew, along with Mrs Google.
Two-Lake Chat
Walked twice around St. Paul’s Lake Como, chatting with a friend.
Wet Sidewalk
Walked on a wet sidewalk.
Just Married
Yesterday we got married. Posted Our Elopement Timeline.
Our Elopement Timeline
1987 May 30, 1987 We met at a birthday brunch at Rudolph’s Bar-B-Que in Minneapolis. He sat across the table from me. It was a buffet, so whenever he left the table to fill a plate, I had a chance to ask mutual friends about him. I think he did the same thing when I…… Continue reading Our Elopement Timeline
Different Worlds
On my cycle ride, a corner of Lake Street destroyed in the riots, now part art installation, part barbershop offering free haircuts. Later, sipped coffee in an affluent part of town where earnest people chatted about brand ambassadors, directors of success, and talent management.
Thirteen Polling Places
Cycled with a friend to thirteen polling places. Usually we would expect to see long lines, but so many have voted absentee, poll workers sometimes outnumbered voters. People were in a good mood, happy to chat with us.