
Foraged for essential ingredient for the holidays at Lunds, Uptown. Pie crust will be from scratch–thanks, Dwight.

Cooking with Wine

Cooking with wine today; some of it will even end up in the food. (Thank you, Julia Child.)

Categorized as Cook

Simplification Exception

Weeding shelves today. These are keepers–had them 40 years, Still computer science bedrock, still taught in college.

Categorized as Simplify

Beyond Worn Out

Upgraded my image, with a nudge from Dwight. Threw out all my worn tee shirts and ordered tee shirts made in the USA.

Rainy Day Tasks

Rainy day. A day for playing loud music, slow-braising lamb and root vegetables, and finally tidying my office.

Low Mileage

Filled up the tank in our 1996 Honda Civic today. That’s the fourth time I’ve filled it up this year.

Vietnamese Veggies

Today, found good bike route to Minneapolis Farmers’ Market. I need to ask The Google how to cook Vietnamese veggies.

Categorized as Cook