Today’s snow decorated our back yard.
Category: Home Living
Time To Go
We abandoned all fiscal responsibility: replaced bowls (cracked) and a peppermill (failed mechanism) I’ve been using since I was a student.
Oven-Dried Tomatoes
Two weeks ago I picked tomatoes off the vine in our garden then allowed them to ripen. Today I dried them slowly in the oven.
Our Personal Kitchen Assistant
This week we welcomed a personal assistant into our home. Or, to be more precise, FedEx delivered a Google Assistant. It’s a stubby, round box you plug into the wall. It listens for our commands and talks to us via surprisingly good speakers. It connects to Google services over WiFi. It sits in a corner…… Continue reading Our Personal Kitchen Assistant
Our Personal Kitchen Assistant
Posted Our Personal Kitchen Assistant.
Limits of Technology
Welcomed Google Assistant into our home. Me: OK Google, cook dinner. The Google: Sorry, I can’t help you with that.
Leftovers Become Fine Ingredients
Today is the official start of our Holiday Leftovers Season. I reincarnated root vegetable mash as “panko-encrusted croquettes.”
Goose on the Weber
Departed from tradition: cooked a goose on the Weber.
Optimizing WiFi
Tweaked our routers to improve the WiFi signal around the house, and to reduce overlap with neighbors’ signals.
Fixing Niggles
It was time to fix a few niggling things around the house, including replacing this cracked drawer bracket.