Minnesota, Full-Throttle

Tonight, we go full-throttle Minnesotan: I’m making green bean hotdish topped with Tater Tots. OK, Spud Puppies, same thing. I’m going a little upmarket: no Campbell’s cream of mushroom soup, no French’s fried onions, and the green beans are fresh.

Categorized as Cook

When New Beats Old

Researched furniture for our future condo. When we moved out of our house we realized it was better to get rid of furniture rather than pay to store it.

Buying Locally

Bought locally. This Saturday farmers market near our home lets us stock up with local produce we’ll enjoy much of the week.

Categorized as Cook

Shipment For Guam

Lugged a box down to the mail room, en route to an eBay buyer in a marine base in Guam in the Western Pacific.

Time to Sign

Cycled to our condo developer’s office to sign off the hundreds of choices we’ve made over the past few months.

A Challenging Installation

While it rained, we attached our bike rack. By the time we figured it out (3 person hours), the rain was gone, and the sun was shining.