Sitting on Recycled Plastic Milk Jugs

Prepared for warm weather: assembled chairs for our balcony. They’re based on a design by Minneapolis architect, Ralph Rapson, and manufactured in Duluth, Minnesota. They’re made from recycled plastic milk jugs, and weigh about 40 pounds apiece. They will


Realized we still have a few ties. I have not worn one any time in the entire 21st century.

Categorized as Simplify

Hello Toto

Today, I have one less reason to visit Japan: installed washlets. They’re ubiquitous in Japan.

Categorized as DIY

We Like Desktop Computers

Set up our old computer in its new home. Threaded cables down a conduit in the wall.

Categorized as IT

Annual Spice Replacement

As I do every year at this time, replaced baking powder, baking soda, and spices that are a year old. Total cost: about $3.

Categorized as Cook