Transforming Root Vegetables

Bought vegetables grown in Minneapolis by kids. Transformed some of the root vegetables into a scalloped bake without losing my fingers in the mandoline.

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Hardly Leftovers

Prepared dinner with carefully curated ingredients: everything left over from Thanksgiving, except pumpkin pie, stuffing and cranberry. Tomorrow: farce galettes au compote de canneberges (stuffing patties with stewed cranberry for dipping).

Baby Turnips

Bought green-top turnips. Tonight I’ll cook a favorite dish braised turnip greens with turnips and apple.

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Three Dollars-Worth of Spices

Reverted to my role of parsimonious house-person. Stocked up on spices depleted in my absence. (Total cost: exactly $3.)

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One-Tray Dinner

Assembled ingredients from Scotland, Mexico, and Wisconsin for a fast cook/fast cleanup dinner: everything will roast on a baking tray.

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Energetic Prep

After preparing root vegetables for a braise, it was time for a nap.

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Unafraid of Eggplant

Breaded eggplant awaiting hot oil. I’ve previously posted a method that ensures eggplant always turns out well.

Categorized as Cook