Using Social Media to Resolve an Issue with United Airlines

We’re off to New Zealand in December. There are no nonstop flights from hometown Minneapolis (MSP) to New Zealand, but I found one-stop itineraries through Los Angeles (LAX), San Francisco, and Houston. These are good cities to connect through in the winter: they don’t get shut down by snow. Everything was fine until United changed…… Continue reading Using Social Media to Resolve an Issue with United Airlines

Poms Don’t Tub

Cab service improved in Minneapolis in the 1990’s. Cabs started to be well-maintained, drivers were clean and respectful, Minnesota Public Radio, rather than loud rock, was playing quietly. The driver may have worked as a physician or a teacher or an engineer in Somalia, but now he was working his way back up. In the…… Continue reading Poms Don’t Tub

The Consequences of Being Too Paperless

A few years ago we decided we would eliminate as much paper as possible. Eliminating paper has been a satisfying but imperfect journey. Our records are available to us when we travel, we no longer have a filing cabinet. 100% of our tax records, including receipts, are electronic and meet Internal Revenue Service standards. However, along the…… Continue reading The Consequences of Being Too Paperless

Defending Seoul

Seoul, South Korea, April 17, 2017. I knew I was in trouble. The silence was broken by a whirring sound close behind me. A military security camera was locking onto me. I quickly put my camera away, but it was too late: an armed soldier was walking down an embankment towards me. A couple hours…… Continue reading Defending Seoul