My New Blog Site

My need to write a blog post generally starts with a bunch of thoughts swirling around my mind, begging to be tamed. My process of writing is largely an exercise in simplification, focus, and organization. Simplification starts with throwing out as many thoughts as possible. Most thoughts end up on the floor, others are filed…… Continue reading My New Blog Site

Snapshots: Hadrian’s Wall Path

My daily routine is pretty simple these days: After a full English cooked breakfast, continue walking east across England, following the line of Hadrian’s (Roman) Wall. If available, stop at a tearoom for a pot of tea and cake. At the end of the afternoon arrive at a comfortable bed and breakfast or inn for…… Continue reading Snapshots: Hadrian’s Wall Path

The Road to Minneapolis: Mile 1

I’m walking across the narrowest part of England, following the course of Hadrian’s (Roman) Wall. Construction of the wall started in the year 122, and some sections remain to this day. The walk is 84 miles, which I’m comfortably spreading over 7 days. On the 8th day I fly home to Minneapolis. Yesterday I took…… Continue reading The Road to Minneapolis: Mile 1

Planning a Trip to Spain with Kids

Our nephews (9 and 10) attend a school where literacy skills are taught in English, but several other subjects, including math and science, are taught in Spanish. It’s a joy to see the boys use their skills. In 2016, they slipped unselfconsciously into Spanish when speaking with a server from Spain in our Edinburgh hotel.…… Continue reading Planning a Trip to Spain with Kids

Madonna Writhed Here

I’m staying in an idiosyncratic 12-room hotel in the town of Ronda in Andalusia, Spain. My suite fills three floors in a tower: first floor, entrance and bathroom; second floor, sitting room; third floor, bedroom. I’m going to get a lot of exercise tonight. I’m pretty sure my bed is the same bed Madonna used…… Continue reading Madonna Writhed Here

Travelling with Cultural Baggage

One of the challenges of travel is having to bring myself with me. If the trip is going to be more than passive entertainment, I have to try to erode my preconceived notions, prejudices, blindspots, and cultural programming. This week I felt shock when I first saw the scene pictured at the top of this…… Continue reading Travelling with Cultural Baggage

Snapshots: Hiking the Rota Vicentina, Southwest Portugal

The Rota Vicentina is a 450 km trail system in southwest Portugal. It includes the Fishermen’s Trail along the rugged Atlantic coastline, the Historical Way that heads inland through rolling countryside, and loop trails that connect both worlds. The system is good for point-to-point hiking where we moved to a different place each day, and hub-and-spoke…… Continue reading Snapshots: Hiking the Rota Vicentina, Southwest Portugal