
Daily Microblog


Jul 14, 2022

Walked from our Seville hotel to a bus station, long distance bus to Lagos (Algarve, Portugal), local bus to dropoff point, mile hike to a house we’d rented in the village of Salema for a week. Here, nephew #1 explores the roof, and eyes the Atlantic where he and his brother later swam.

More is More

Jul 13, 2022

Explored the palace and gardens of the Royal Alcázar of Seville where ”less is more” is not a guiding principle. Later, as the temperature climbed to 110°, we dispersed to our hotel’s rooftop pool and air-conditioned siestas.

Looking Up

Jul 12, 2022

A day of different spaces, starting with Seville’s massive Cathedral, ending with a flamenco performance in a small space. Here, the oval dome of the Cathedral’s Charter House exemplifies remarkable Renaissance engineering.

Up Next: Seville

Jul 11, 2022

Nephews and their dad (and the rest of us, off-camera), about to board a bullet train to Seville.

Sunday Stroll

Jul 10, 2022

Climbed up from Nerja’s Burriana Beach. Walked past avocado, citrus and banana trees, then an ancient aqueduct.

The Remains of Lunch

Jul 9, 2022

“Something light,” we said. Big plate for the (almost) 15-year-old (left). Almost nothing for the 13-year-old (right). Generous tapas for the rest of us. Time for a siesta.

Frigiliana Day Trip

Jul 8, 2022

Rode a local bus to the hillside town of Frigiliana. Wandered through a maze of steep streets past whitewashed houses.

A Goose Chase

Jul 7, 2022

We divided into three teams for a scavenger hunt I’d created for the GooseChase app. The theme of six “missions” was “Nerja Rocks (Literally).” Goofy photographic evidence was encouraged; pixelation protects reputations.

Dreaming of Paella

Jul 6, 2022

We’ve been talking for months about revisiting this restaurant by the beach for paella. There was plenty paella to feed the six of us at lunch, including two teenagers. In the foreground, shrimp are being rinsed in a sink, and chopped-up wooden pallets wait to fuel the fire.

Nerja Selfie

Jul 5, 2022

Arrived Nerja, Andalucia, on schedule after our overnight journey. Took a selfie on the grounds of our hotel for the next week.

An Unplanned Flight

Jul 4, 2022

Posted An Unplanned Flight.

Ready for a Quick Getaway

Jul 3, 2022

Our backpacks wait near the front door for tomorrow’s trip. We’re strong proponents for traveling light, but we’re bringing a few extra clothes this time because we won’t be walking much more than a mile at a time with the packs. These 35-liter packs will still easily fit the overhead bins.

Backpacking in Southern Spain and Portugal

Backpacking in Southern Spain and Portugal

Jul 2, 2022

Posted Backpacking in Southern Spain and Portugal about a trip we’re about to take with our nephews and their parents.

Starting Small

Jul 1, 2022

Started gathering gear for an upcoming trip to Europe. All expense was spared on the SIM removal tools.

Monthly Drug Run

Jun 30, 2022

Today was my monthly “drug run” to a pharmacy about 10 miles away by bicycle. Picked up a med at Hy-Vee for $184; at my local Walgreens it’s $2,754. On the way, stopped to take in the slow decay of the former Fruen Mill.

Bike, Art, Lunch

Jun 29, 2022

Cycled, then stopped for a bit of art and lunch at the Walker. Revisited the Hockney exhibit, where I was reminded he’s much more than gorgeous Los Angeles swimming pool pix. Over his career he’s worked many forms, including stage set design. This large-scale model was for a provocatively titled opera, Les Mamelles de Tirésias.