
Daily Microblog

Science Experiment: Siphonic Action

May 22, 2023

The problem: maintaining water levels for rooting cuttings while we’re away, traveling. The solution: siphonic action. The blue container represents a reservoir that will be topped up via a float valve. Prototype 1, here, has too many points of failure. Next up: straight runs from the reservoir.

Drip irrigation Going Undercover

May 21, 2023

Arranged drip irrigation tubes in large planters on a roof deck of our building. Once the plants establish themselves, they hide the tubes.

Mad Max: Nordeast

May 20, 2023

While cycling in Nordeast Minneapolis, I was stopped in my tracks by a moving art installation that evoked the Mad Max movies. Nordeast Minneapolis is home to hundreds of artists.

Not Instagram

May 19, 2023

Looked down as I walked out of Five Watt Coffee after sipping an Americano.

Plan B

May 18, 2023

Met a friend over coffee in St. Paul. The heavens opened as I started to cycle home, so I made a beeline for the nearest light rail station. Conveniently, each train car has two upright bike racks.

Minimizing Waste

May 17, 2023

Cycled to Repowered with a load of old electronics. The nonprofit employs people facing barriers to employment to refurbish and sell as much as possible. Recycling is performed in the USA.

A Good Conversation

May 16, 2023

A good conversation with an old friend at our local hostelry who was visiting from out West. We both love travel and playing the airlines at their games.

Spring Bike Ride

May 15, 2023

Cycled a loop via the 28th Street Greenway, Chain of Lakes, Minnehaha Creek, then up the Mississippi. Stopped to view the blossom on this section just before Lake Nokomis. In the final stretch, we were ready for a late lunch at Longfellow Grill.

Sort, Sell, Recycle

May 14, 2023

Went through a large plastic tub of stuff I’ve been saving to sell on eBay. Listed a set of vintage (1980’s) Cannondale cycle bags hoping to make $80 for Doctors Without Borders. I’ll recycle the remaining items shown here: they’re worth so little, it’s just not worth the effort selling them.

Finished or in Process?

May 13, 2023

Today’s cycle ride took me through the workspace of Nordeast Minneapolis sculptor Zoran Mojsilov. This piece looks finished, but maybe I’ll be surprised the next time I pass by.

Wild Turkeys go to College

May 12, 2023

Spotted on my cycle ride through the University of Minnesota where wild turkeys wander freely around the campus. Here, they’ve apparently torn up protective straw fabric to get at grass seeds.

TP Orientation

May 11, 2023

After an Americano, I needed to powder my nose. They’re inclusive at FRGMT Coffee; this is probably illegal in Florida.

First Barbecue of 2023.

May 10, 2023

Today was our first barbecue of 2023: salmon on a cedar plank. The underside of the board burns, imparting a light, smokey flavor. Cleanup is easy.

Word Order

May 9, 2023

There were lots of smiles as learners organized themselves into sentences. Today the focus was on getting adjectives in the correct order: opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, purpose.

A Soldier in Occupied Japan

May 8, 2023

Posted A Soldier in Occupied Japan. My partner’s uncle was stationed in Kyoto, Japan at the end of the Pacific War. The story could’ve been so different.

Tulips on Main Street

May 7, 2023

Spotting tulips on our Sunday morning walk was a treat. Spring bulbs are not as common in our continental climate as in temperate England where I grew up.