Daily Microblog
At end of hike, removed boots, soaked feet in hot spring (so good), put on shoes, caught train at adjacent station.
Okayama Reposition
Saturday plan: hike, then, late afternoon, “reposition” myself to Okayama, ready to explore islands south of Okayama.
Hot Spring Selfie
View at the bottom of Mt. Yufu after the climb. My first hot spring selfie. (Solo hot spring, so OK to take photos.)
Mount Yufu Summit
View at the top of Mt. Yufu (Kyushu) today, Friday.
At the Edge of a Volcano
Hiked all day on volcano Aso-san. Massive caldera. Air quality got iffy at its steaming crater: told to “evacuate.”
Plan to Climb a Volcano
Thursday: early train from Kumamoto, hike on huge, live volcano (Aso-san–see map pin), then evening train to Oita.
Kumamoto Castle
History day #2: massive Kumamoto Castle, a reproduction. The last samuris largely destroyed the original in 1877.
Dejima, Nagasaki
Dejima artificial island, Nagasaki: from 1641–1859, Japan’s only link to Europe. That’s why I’m visiting Nagasaki.
Nagasaki Peace Park
Origami cranes, Nagasaki Peace Park.
Nagasaki from a Mountain-Top
Monday evening, Nagasaki downtown and harbor from the top of Mt. Inasa.
Up Next: Nagasaki
Today, Monday: Kagoshima to my next base, Nagasaki. I’ll take a bullet train, then an express train.
Up a Volcano with a Swedish Dancer
Climbed a 3000 ft volcano with a Swedish dancer. The trail curves round the volcano, no switchbacks–unique in Japan.
Passing through Cedar
Wrote about why I enjoy hiking, particularly in Japan.
Jetfoil to Kagoshima
Early evening jetfoil back to Kagoshima after another good day hiking in the mountains of the island of Yakushima.
Postcard From Yakushima
Postcard for C and D from the island of Yakushima. It was my admission ticket to Yakushima National Park.
Ancient Cedar Forest
Hiked all day through a huge ancient cedar forest between 3500 ft and sea level. Some trees are 1000’s of years old.