Daily Microblog
It Takes a Village
Posted It Takes a Village (and the miracle of the lady with the beer).
Compulsory Waterfall Photo
Unashamed touristy photo at Ohko-no-taki waterfall, Yakushima, before hopping on a country bus to a trailhead.
Ancient Cedar Forests
Exhausting day exploring ancient cedar forests on Yakushima. Knotted ropes were helpful in the steep bits.
Jetfoil to Yakushima
From Kagoshima took a jetfoil to the island of Yakushima.
Saturday Hike in Kagoshima
Posted Saturday Hike in Kagoshima.
Tokyo to Kagoshima
Took a 787 Dreamliner from Tokyo to Kagoshima, then walked out of Airport World, into the sun and unfiltered air.
Airport World, Day 5
Airport World, day 5. HND Airport conveniences. Toilet: child restraint. Check-in area: scales, special needs lounge.
Airport World: Day 4
Airport World, day 4 of 5. At Tokyo International HND took subway 2 stops to third airport hotel this week.
Day 3, 4 of Airport World: San Francisco to Tokyo Haneda. Depart SFO Wednesday night, arrive HND late Thursday night.
View from an Airport Hotel Room
View from an airport hotel room. Marriott, Houston IAH, Wednesday morning.
An Unplanned Night in Houston
Posted An Unplanned Night in Houston, and lovely airline people.
Burning Bonus Miles
At Houston, IAH, burning frequent flyer miles. (Actually, frequent new credit card application bonus miles.)
From Beaches to Volcanoes
Posted From Beaches to Volcanoes (Southern Japan).
Wise Words from an Airline Service Agent
Overheard an airline customer service agent in the hotel bar. Her colleagues call the Jerry Springer Show “church.”
Fish and Chips in Florida
Fort Lauderdale, final Florida beach on this trip. Enjoyed fish and chips: a nod to my heritage, a seaside tradition.
Pleading the Fifth in Naples, Florida
Posted Pleading the Fifth in Naples, Florida.