
Daily Microblog

Fresh Snow on Rail Tracks

Dec 26, 2015

Walked on fresh snow.

UK Christmas Cake

Dec 25, 2015

We enjoyed marzipan-topped, Armagnac-soaked fruit cake: Christmas cake made by a friend visiting from the UK.

Proving Work Eligibility

Dec 23, 2015

Walked past a professionally decorated Christmas tree on my way to show my passport to prove I-9 work eligibility.

Background Check

Dec 21, 2015

Walked past a sad Christmas tree, then peed in a cup as part of a background check.

Potter’s Pies

Dec 18, 2015

I snarfed down a pasty from this food truck. The pasty was excellent, but not quite authentic: it was full of meat.


Dec 16, 2015

The car got fixed, I got a walletectomy.

Crystal Court

Dec 15, 2015

Walked through the IDS Center’s Crystal Court, downtown Minneapolis, on the way to join a friend for a walk.

Rode Seven Buses

Dec 14, 2015

Rode seven buses going about my business today.

On A Gray Day…

Dec 13, 2015

Defiantly bright on a drippy day: wet berries on our sycamore.

Good Food: the Basics

Dec 12, 2015

I love to travel, but I do appreciate returning home to this.

Sonny Bono Concourse

Dec 11, 2015

I like an airport with palm trees. PSP looking towards the Sonny Bono Concourse. Sadly, there’s no Cher Concourse.

Another Day Hiking Joshua Tree National Park

Dec 10, 2015

One more day of desert hiking, Joshua Tree National Park.


Dec 8, 2015

Walked through a narrow oasis among California Fan Palms fed by springs. Agua Caliente Indian Reservation.

Joshua Tree National Park

Dec 7, 2015

Hiked Joshua Tree National Park.

Canyon Trail

Dec 6, 2015

Walked a canyon trail near Palm Springs.

Flight to North Pole

Dec 5, 2015

Well, the things you learn. Delta flies to the North Pole. (We saw two pilots decorating gate C5.)