Daily Microblog
View from Starbucks
My view from Starbucks before heading out to cross the road to the office.
Warm in January
It was warm and dry when I walked out of the office in Portland, Oregon this evening.
Mesh Stuffsack
Posted Travel Gear: Mesh Stuff Sack.
Deicing at MSP, en route to PDX.
Refugees Welcome
Started my week in a kind place.
Jogging in Snow
Jogged in light snow.
Not So Glam
Today, the Google reminded me of my visit to the Northwest Airlines History Center. My work flights are not so glam.
Friday Routine at PDX
My Friday routine (Portland PDX).
Walk to Work
On my way to work, walked past the Steel Bridge, a lift bridge with two decks crossing the Willamette River.
Happy Hour
Happy hour, Portland, Oregon.
Journey to Work
MSP quiet room: rustling newspapers, clicking knitting needles and keyboards, staying awake for my PDX flight.
Walk on a Lake
Walked on Lake of the Isles past an ice fishing house.
Temperatures Dropping
Jogging kept me warm as temperatures here in Minnesota start to drop well below 0°F.
Trains and Planes and Earworms
Posted Trains and Planes and Earworms.
Splendid Men’s Room
Splendid men’s room where I work. On some floors the locations of the women’s and men’s are swapped. Confusing.