Daily Microblog
A Hilo Supermarket
Explored a Hilo supermarket: lomi salmon (Hawaii), kimchi (Korea), and tako (octopus from Japan) sitting together.
Narrow-Spectrum Sodium Lights
Hilo, HI, narrow-spectrum LED streetlight. I’ve posted about narrow-spectrum sodium lights.
Off-Grid Homes on New Lava
On my walk, plants and distant off-grid homes cling to new lava. Once, I drove through here before the lava flowed.
Tough Jobs and a Lascivious Senior
Posted Tough Jobs and a Lascivious Senior.
The Right Side of the Island
I’m on the “wrong” side of Hawaii Big Island: rainy, no posh resorts, no ocean sunsets, tsunamis, crushed ice. Rich.
My view for the next 7 hours, SEA–HNL.
One Final Walk on PDX Carpet
5:00 a.m., one final walk on PDX carpet.
End of the Final Work Day
Walked out of this building for the last time: the end of my final work gig. Sad goodbyes to some of my colleagues.
Circuitous Route to Work
Walked a circuitous route to work.
Beyond Portland
Off to Portland, OR, and beyond, my Spring Break adventure. Goodbye MSP carpet until April.
Long Hauls, Cheap Tix
Posted Long Hauls, Cheap Tix.
Lobster Rolls
Lobster rolls for lunch in The 1029 Bar, Nordeast Minneapolis. We left before the bingo started.
Gray day, heavy rain, grateful for good healthcare.
Newcastle Brown Ale
Shopped at the end of my run: saw a beer truck naming the city where I grew up. Sadly, Walgreens doesn’t sell beer.
The Dakota
WFH this week: a chance to go to a concert at The Dakota. I always enjoy this photo in the men’s room.
1941 Gem
My Presidents’ Day is a play day: took a bus to the edge of Minneapolis, found this 1941 gem on my walk home.