A Walk to San Francisco 2024

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(Not Quite) Minimal Backpacking
(Not Quite) Minimal Backpacking

Soon we'll be hiking inn-to-inn in California. We'll stay 3 nights in a fake British pub with no tea kettle in our room. Confirmed this minimal (8 ounces) setup reaches the ideal temperature range for coffee (195-205°F). The kit includes Japanese-style filters, a trusty aluminum mug from my teenage years, and two slightly younger plastic cups (about 36 years old).

Digital Travel Documents, Real-World Hike
Digital Travel Documents, Real-World Hike

Loaded a San Francisco Bay Area Clipper transit card and a Delta boarding pass for a flight tomorrow onto my watch. We’ll hike from inn to inn in Marin County, ending up next Friday in downtown San Francisco via the Golden Gate Bridge. The watch is a fun addition, its main advantage over my phone is that it’s attached to me. Related

A California Journey Begins
A California Journey Begins

Tonight, our home is Sausalito, Marin County, CA. Here, a eucalyptus tree with plenty of stories to tell frames a distant view of downtown San Francisco, across the bay. Tomorrow, huge redwoods await us. Related

Muir Woods
Muir Woods

Today we reacquainted ourselves with the massive redwoods of Muir Woods. Tonight we’re staying in a comfortable inn at the highest point on our multi-day hike with distant views of San Francisco Bay. Related

Redwoods and Meadows
Redwoods and Meadows

Hiked down into Muir Woods and then climbed out the other side of the valley, passing under the giant redwoods. (Yep, that’s me.) Back up top, we had wonderful views of the bay and the Pacific Ocean as we walked across meadows dotted with wildflowers to our home for the next three nights, a replica British pub. Related

Ascent to Bedfordshire
Ascent to Bedfordshire

Our bedchamber for the next three nights: note the step stool. Downstairs they serve great local microbrews along with classic British pub fare. Related

A Simple Hike
A Simple Hike

We did a simple loop hike, ending up back at our inn. After a breakfast that included a tasty banger, headed down the coast towards the entrance to San Francisco Bay. In the distance a foghorn announced that visibility was limited. Related

Next Up: Novels and Naps
Next Up: Novels and Naps

After a shorter hike than yesterday’s (it is a rest day) and a nutritious late lunch of “crisps” (potato chips) and IPA, we retired, here, to the snug with a pot of tea. It was then upstairs to our bedchamber for Kindle-time and naps. Related

Gradual Reveals
Gradual Reveals

Our hike, today, was the longest and highest of this trip. Wonderful views kept us motivated: first the Pacific, then one tower of Golden Gate Bridge, then a glimpse of San Francisco’s skyline wedged between two hills. Here, we’re finally Bay-side, soon to descend towards Sausalito to check into a small hotel, shower off the dust, then nap between crisp sheets before dinner. Related

Trail’s End
Trail’s End

Today’s hike was our longest yet, but with the least climbing. From Sausalito, we crossed the Golden Gate Bridge, then followed the bay to The Embarcadero. The BART whisked us to the airport, where we settled into the comfortable Grand Hyatt right there for the night. Our room has great views of plane movements, and binoculars are provided! A senior rate eased the sting of the price tag. Related


Woke up to a view of wet tarmac and San Francisco SFO’s International Terminal A. After a week of blue skies, rain was pelting down. Soon, the EVA Air (green tail on the left) flight will depart for Taipei, the China Eastern flight (on the right) for Shanghai, and we’ll be en route to Minneapolis/St. Paul MSP. Related