First encounter with an 88-foot loon

Rode the LRT to St. Paul’s Midway neighborhood, then walked to get a haircut. Along the way, encountered a loon (our state bird) with an 88-foot wingspan in front of the Minnesota United soccer stadium. This was unexpected. I learned it was designed by an artist from Scotland, a country devoid of loons.

St. Paul Day Out

Took the light rail to the Thomas Dale neighborhood of St. Paul to meet friends at this unassuming Vietnamese bakery. Chatted over coffee and the best almond croissants. Afterward, I explored random streets in the neighborhood by bike, passing the Capitol before heading to downtown St. Paul and catching the train back to Minneapolis.

Categorized as St. Paul

Concrete Calm

Cycled through this calm place on my random steamy ride. Industrial areas like this one in St. Paul are best explored on weekends, away from the hustle of weekday truck traffic.

Unexpected Art

A cycle ride with a friend included St. Paul’s Midway industrial district. We were surprised by the vibrant murals scattered throughout the district, including this one. The stylized butterfly behind the girl honors missing and murdered indigenous women. Later, I learned we had stumbled upon the Midway Chroma Zone where local and national street artists…… Continue reading Unexpected Art

Pushing Our Limits

A friend and I made our annual expedition to Reservoir Woods and up to a 30-million gallon tank serving St. Paul. We cycled slowly up in low gear, realizing in coming years we’ll need to dismount and push. The humidity was high, so by the end of the ride we both felt we’d had a…… Continue reading Pushing Our Limits

Pit Stop at Cossetta’s

It had been raining overnight, but it stopped just in time to hop on a train to Fort Snelling and meet up with a friend. We then cycled a loop via downtown St. Paul, taking in each side of the Mississippi. In St. Paul, we refueled at the legendary Cossetta’s, with its extensive selection of…… Continue reading Pit Stop at Cossetta’s

Beyond the Storefront

It may look like a fast food restaurant and it’s not in the prettiest part of St. Paul but Trung Nam French Bakery, operated by immigrants from Vietnam, bakes the best almond croissants. So that’s where I got with a friend for coffee and flakey perfection this morning.

A Special Place

Dwight showed a friend and me around the University of Minnesota teaching and research greenhouse where he volunteers. This gorgeous space has four rooms, each with a different climate, including this desert room. The rainforest room smelled and felt wonderful on this frigid day.

Designed to Impress

With temperatures hovering around 0°F it was a day to minimize outdoor activity. Rode the light rail to St. Paul with a friend. Warmed up in the Landmark Center where we peered into rooms, including the Chief Justice Room.

A Tiny Museum

Every now and then, when out cycling, I like to take in the latest exhibit at The Smallest Museum in St. Paul. The current show is “Paint it Before you Eat it” by local artist Lisa Burke who “loves the idea of art that can fit in one’s pocket, or in an Altoid box.”