Walked my bicycle through Mill Ruins Park. Early Minneapolis by the Mississippi.
Category: Americas
Storm Coming In
A storm was coming in from the west as I cycled across Stone Arch Bridge towards downtown Minneapolis.
Crossing the Red River
Crossed the Red River of the North from Moorhead, MN to Fargo, ND. The river flows north to Canada.
Frank Lloyd Wright in Minneapolis
Our cycle ride in search of Frank Lloyd Wright included this Minneapolis beauty on Cedar Lake.
Easy to Miss
Discovered the “Smallest Museum in St. Paul” in a fire hose cabinet outside Workhorse Cafe, University and Raymond.
St. Paul Alley
A friend and I cycled in search of St. Paul’s architecture. I love this alley beside the James J. Hill House.
Urban Bike: Purple Rain Tour
As I get older, I find it’s best to focus on one task at a time. In fact, a task can become so engrossing it pushes out thoughts of everything else. Some would call this a deficiency of aging, I call it an advantage. Last Wednesday, it was time for a bike ride with purpose.…… Continue reading Urban Bike: Purple Rain Tour
I-35W bridge reflections, Guthrie Theater: Prince (purple lighting); 2007 bridge collapse victims (vertical blue lines)
Old Hawaii
Stepped back to old Hawaii, returned to Honoka’a for a couple nights.
Sunday Lunch in a Tiki Bar
Sunday lunch in a tiki bar with a nod to the observatories 14,000 feet up Mauna Kea.