Took 3 progressively smaller trains to the end of the line in southeast Shikoku to see what was there. I then hiked.
Category: East Asia
Temple Plumbing 2014
Just after you enter the grounds of a Japanese temple, there’s always a fountain for ritualistic rinsing of hands and sometimes the mouth. Here’s examples from the temples I visited April 2, 2014 when I walked the route of part of the Shikoku Henro pilgrimage (“Shikoku 88”). I wrote a similar post in 2013 when I visited…… Continue reading Temple Plumbing 2014
Temples 1 through 5
Wednesday: hiked to temples 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of the Shikoku 88 pilgrimage temples. More pictures.
A Day to Forget
OK I admit it: I got tired of figuring out this place all on my own, so I signed up for a “Landmarks and Viewpoints” tour for foreign visitors. This was a day to forget.At exactly the appointed time the bus rolled up to my Okoyama (Honshu) $26 a night capsule hotel (Hotel River Side).…… Continue reading A Day to Forget
Tuesday night I’m in Tokushima. Tomorrow I’ll walk the first few temples of the Shikoku 88 (temples) pilgrimage.
Post Card From An Art Island
Hey C, D: a post card of a giant pumpkin for you from an art island called Naoshima. Can you draw an art island?
Chichu Museum
Art hike, day 2, including extraordinary underground Chichu Museum: removing boundaries between art and architecture.
A Day to be Forgotten
I write about a day to be forgotten. Yikes.
Benesse House
Inland Sea from my room at Benesse House Art Museum on Naoshima Island. Walked miles viewing art inside and outside.
A Night in a Capsule Hotel
A night in a capsule hotel is a uniquely Japanese experience. Reception on left, shoe lockers on right You could arrive with no luggage, just what you’re standing in. After a decent night’s sleep you leave next morning, well-rested, bathed, and fed, in freshly laundered clothes. $26 a night, including tax, gets you a clean,…… Continue reading A Night in a Capsule Hotel