Posted Saturday Hike in Kagoshima.
Category: East Asia
Tokyo to Kagoshima
Took a 787 Dreamliner from Tokyo to Kagoshima, then walked out of Airport World, into the sun and unfiltered air.
Airport World: Day 4
Airport World, day 4 of 5. At Tokyo International HND took subway 2 stops to third airport hotel this week.
From Beaches to Volcanoes
It’s time to leave a world of beaches for travel with a bit of fiber in it. This weekend, in Naples, Florida, I got reunited with my hiking boots and walking shoes and mailed the lesser stuff back home. I’m on my way to Kirishima, southern Japan. I’ll connect to a flight in Houston Tuesday…… Continue reading From Beaches to Volcanoes
USA, Aruba, Japan 2015
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Dreaming of Kyushu
This winter I’ll be back in Kyushu, the southernmost of Japan’s four main islands. I will have visited Kyushu three years in a row: 2013, 2014, and 2015. I go back for the gentle subtropical climate while Minnesota’s long winter refuses to budge. Kyushu is a manageable size, about one-sixth the area of Minnesota or…… Continue reading Dreaming of Kyushu
Dreaming of Kyushu
Posted Dreaming of Kyushu, a warm place,
Kyushu Hikes Accessible via Transit
Started building an interactive map of hikes in Kyushu (Japan) accessed by public transport.
It was breakfast at the Granvia Okayama Hotel. The tour group at the next table murmured in agreement as the colonel railed against typographical errors in the itinerary. I pegged him as “the colonel,” now a paper-pusher, close to retirement. It was impossible to tune him out as he recalled his first encounter with the…… Continue reading Gas
Kyoto 2005
Kyoto, 2005. I’ve posted about temple plumbing here and here.