Mount Ebinodake and Onami Pond.From where I’m sitting in my hotel room, I see steam vents, and can smell their sulfurous fumes. Further in the distance, over 20 miles further in the haze, is the unmistakable cone of Sakurajima, the massive, active volcano across the bay from Kagoshima, southern Japan. At night, I see the distant…… Continue reading Kirishima-Kinkowan National Park
Category: East Asia
Kirishima-Kingowan National Park
Posted about a hike today in Kirishima-Kingowan National Park.
Kirishima Mountains
Now in the mountains north of Kagoshima.
Miyanoura, Yakushima Island, about to board jetfoil.
It Takes a Village
Yesterday I was in such an intense conversation with Iris, thirtyish, from Switzerland, we almost missed the only bus from the trailhead that day. I get to meet fine people when hiking. These are people who put some effort into their travels. They discover and research trails, they put one foot in front of another…… Continue reading It Takes a Village
It Takes a Village
Posted It Takes a Village (and the miracle of the lady with the beer).
Compulsory Waterfall Photo
Unashamed touristy photo at Ohko-no-taki waterfall, Yakushima, before hopping on a country bus to a trailhead.
Ancient Cedar Forests
Exhausting day exploring ancient cedar forests on Yakushima. Knotted ropes were helpful in the steep bits.
Jetfoil to Yakushima
From Kagoshima took a jetfoil to the island of Yakushima.
Saturday Hike in Kagoshima
After being in Airport World for five days, it was good to spend today, Saturday, hiking in Kagoshima and the surrounding hills. When you hike on a Saturday you get to see the locals enjoying their place. Early in the hike I was the audience for a group of taiko drummers, practicing their art. I could feel…… Continue reading Saturday Hike in Kagoshima